Married: Katherine Louise Miller Locke, known as Kittie, in 1883
Children: Three daughters: Catherine Louise (Beardsley?), Ruth Norcross and Marguerite Miller Locke
The Reverend Arthur H. Locke was the pastor of the Church of St. Luke, the Beloved Physician, from 1880 to 1882. Apparently he also served the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Bloomingdale at the same time. He and his wife became missionaries in China.
Franklin Gazette, September 24, 1880
That we are to have an Episcopal church here [Bloomingdale] is now a fact beyond a doubt, Mr. MONROE HALL having deeded the society a lot on St. Regis Avenue, in one of the most desirable locations in the village. Mr. LOCK, the pastor, a gentleman of the most untiring energy, informed his congregation a few Sundays ago that it was [his intention to] preach his Christmas sermon in the new church. The architect, Mr. UPJOHN, of Brooklyn, has the drawing of the plans.