Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks Warren Higley was founded in 1902 to secure mutual co-operation for the defense of property and water rights of private preserves in the Adirondack region. The organization is still in existence, though it's name has been changed to Protect the Adirondacks!
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 4, 1902
Owners of Camps, Game Preserves and Other Property Organize for Mutual Defense of Their Rights.
"Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks" is the title of a body organized yesterday at a meeting of sportsmen and owners of game preserves and camps in the mountains, held at the rooms of the Board of Trade and Transportation, 203 Broadway, Manhattan.
The object of the association is to secure mutual co-operation for the defense of property and water rights of private preserves in the Adirondack region. All interested are eligible for membership.
A board of trustees was appointed, subject to acceptance by the nominees. The members of the board will retire in rotation. Their names are:
John G. Agar, William G. De Witt, Franklin Brandreth, Frank A. Cutting. Charles R. Christy, Judge Warren Higley, A. M. Huntington, H. S. Harper, Judge Henry Howland, Morris K. Jesup, E. H. Litchfield, Augustus A. Low, Colonel A. G. Mills, James McNaughton. J. Pierpont Morgan, Governor Benjamin B. Odell, Robert C. Pruyn, William G. Rockefeller, Titus Sheard, Charles A. Tatum, Anson Phelps Stokes, Alfred G. Vanderbilt, W. G. Ver Plank, Thomas S. Walker, Alfred L. White, Dr. Samuel B. Ward, William C. Whitney, W. Seward Webb and Timothy L. Woodruff.
Judge Higley and H. S. Harper were provisionally appointed, respectively, president and secretary of the board.