Friday morning Saranac Lake NY. (most likely August 15, 1930)

Dear Celie,

I just received your letter and thought I’d answer it right away.I’m not feeling so well this past week, that is the reason why I did not answer your other letters. I haven’t shaved for a week. I look like a tramp. I haven’t been able to shave.

I have a separate room on the back porch. I seldom see any of the other patients. There are about 12 here. The Nurses are all right. One young flapper from Brooklyn about 50 years of age. She has a boy friend that’s sick. She is waiting until he is cured, then she is going back. Then there is a younger nurse her husband is sick. He is in our house. He sends me down papers to read, and I send him the Ring (thanks). I have never seen him, but when Dr. Hayes tells me to get out of bed, I must make his acquaintance. There are people here as far west as Detroit Mich.

The doctor did not say how long I am to remain in bed, but the longer the better. Joe and Te turned out to be pretty false friends. To hell with them. They are not worth bothering with. When a person turns you down when you need them most, they show their true colors. There are damn few people your can call friends take it from me.

I hope Mary Fitzpatrick is okay now. She put up a good fight. I should write to her and thank her for the relic.

I would like to see the letter your mother received. Who do you think sent it? Some would be friend I suppose. Write and let me know all about it, and send me the letter. Maybe I’ll know by the writing.

Ella & Cecelia are leaving Monday for Brooklyn. They like it up here.

I’m tired, so long best of luck - Jack

P.S. I received a letter from Al Colligan. He is out in Columbus Ohio. He is working out there. He says the heat was 112 out there.