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Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 18, 1953
The Branch Farm was a potato farm operated by Harland Branch on Trudeau Road until his retirement in 1966.  The farm included the area of Mount Pisgah that became the village ski slope.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 4, 1948

Pisgah Area Will Be Surveyed for Writing of Lease

A decision to have the Pisgah ski development area on the Harland Branch farm surveyed before the lease is drawn up was made by members of the Village Board and Ski Commission at a special meeting held in the Village Offices at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.

Conducted by Mayor Alton B. Anderson, the meeting was attended by the full Board; the Commission including Robert Demerse, William Dupree and Joseph Munn; Harland Branch whose land will be used by the Development and Thomas Cantwell, representing the parties who own the ski tow equipment.

Mayor Anderson was instructed to get in touch with Harold Durban, surveyor, and have the land surveyed this afternoon if possible. Terms of the lease will be discussed at a future meeting of the group.

Members of the Saranac Lake Ski club have been clearing the mountainside of trees, stones and brush for the past month and the Commission reported the area ready for skiing...

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, January 15, 1952

[excerpt from an article about the ski slope on Mount Pisgah]

 Mayor Anderson informed the group that the Village pays $500 a year rent for Mt. Pisgah on a five-year lease. After next year— the fifth — the Village can either renew the lease on a yearly basis at the same rate, or purchase Pisgah for $16,000...

(Mt. Pisgah is owned by Harland Branch, through whose potato farm skiers drive to Pisgah from Smith road.)