
Other names: Dixie Pines; Camp Forestcraft

Year built:

Camp Arodasi (named for his wife, Isadora, spelled backwards; ) was built by John R. Dunlap on Gilpin Bay on Upper Saranac Lake. He later built Camp Woodwil on Markham Point.


New York Sun, June 22, 1913


Upper Saranac. N. Y., June 21.-- Fish in the waters of Upper Saranac Lake have been enjoying a vacation for the early June anglers have ceased their depredations and the summer folk have not yet settled down to rod and line. Harry Blagdon of Camp Deerlands, however, angles for lake and brook trout and daily brings in good catches. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rockefeller have selected the Upper Saranac Lake as their summer playground and will occupy the camp of Robert Dunn Douglass of New York, which they have leased. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, Jr., of New York are at Eagle Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Dickson of Morristown are to occupy the two camps of Sherwood B. Ferris on Deer Island. Mrs, W. S. Johnson of Pittsburg has opened Camp Arodasi and has with her a small house party. Mrs. William Bucknell of Philadelphia, widow of the founder of Bucknell University, is at Pine Point Lodge, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. James A. Van Voast.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 29, 1913

Mrs. W. S. Johnson, who is at the Dunlap camp on Gilpin Bay, has her touring car here and is enjoying the fine highway which connects Wawbeek with the principal resorts of the Adirondacks.

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