Born: c. 1872

Died: January 19, 1951, age 79 [source: Guild News, Jan. 26, 1951]

Married: A.S. McBean

Children: Douglas McBean

Catherine McBean operated the McBean Cottage at 89 Park Avenue until her death in 1951. Steve Phillips and Betty Phillips were patients there in the 1930s.

A letter from Ed Worthington to Steve Phillips and Betty Phillips (Courtesy of Janet Dudones)

January 28, 1951

Dear Steve and Betty:

I attended Mrs. McBean's funeral at the house and I can report to you that all the flowers were very nice and the service delivered by Mr. Gurley was impressive. There must have been at least forty people present— old friends including the older generation of doctors i.e. Dr. Price, Dr. Kinghorn, Dr. Woodruff, Dr. Brumfiel, Dr. Jameson, Dr. Leetch and it seems to me several more who were honorary pall bearers.

The next day I had a nice chat with Douglas McBean and brought up the various points mentioned in our phone conversation. His address is 315 Alexander St., Rochester 4, N.Y. This is the office address. They have not had time to go through Mrs. McBean's things but Douglas's wife told me that they would come across Betty's wedding picture and send it to you. I suggested my taking it but they seemed to want to send it to you. Also, they will look through the papers to see if your check for the phone bill is there. If so, they will cash it and clear that matter up for you. This also applies to the colored pictures of the flowers you mentioned. That is they will send you one anyway. Now about old Mary. This is a problem. No social security or anything else. Douglas gave her the bedroom furniture she liked with blankets etc. Also, Douglas is looking after her for the next six months anyway. In the meantime some people are looking around to see what they can do to help. I understand Dr. Woodruff and Dr. Brumfiel have offered to help out somehow, perhaps in getting her placed somewheres around town. If you wanted to help her a bit I suggest that you get in touch with Douglas as I am sure he is concerned about this matter and would appreciate any suggestions from you. He told me that he certainly appreciated your thinking about this matter, as he feels so sorry for her.

If Dr. Woodruff doesn't buy the house I have the opportunity to try and sell it for the estate. So we shall see. Other than that all is quiet up here. I had a good x-ray report and so did Nita. Janet is in high gear as usual and is now learning to skate. Just as soon as I know when we are going to Nova Scotia this summer I'll let you know and perhaps we can drop by for a visit at Sunapee either coming or going. Our best to you both as always,

