Born: ~1849 in Ausable Forks, the son of Hugh Martin and Sally Goodell
Died: May 29, 1902
Married: Kate Estelle Clark, October 3, 1882
Children: Adeline Lydia Martin, Charles Edwin Martin, Jr., and Harry Polhemus Martin
Charles E. Martin served as managing clerk of Paul Smith's Hotel for many years, during which time he represented the Town of Brighton on the Franklin county board of supervisors.
Malone Pallanium, Thursday, June 5, 1902
Death of Charles E. Martin.
Charles E. Martin died at his home in Plattsburgh last Thursday morning, May 29, aged 53 years. The Press of that date published the following obituary:
The end was not unexpected, as for hours his life had hung by a thread. Mr. Martin first noticed his illness on Friday of last week when he returned from a business trip to Chateaugay. It was not until Sunday, however, that his illness was considered serious. His complaint was diagnosed as appendicitis, complicated with peritonitis. An operation was performed early yesterday morning by Dr. Bell of Montreal, and Dr. Silver, of Plattsburgh, assisted by several other physicians, and was entirely successful. Medical skill and careful attention could not save his life, and the end came at the time above mentioned.
Charles E. Martin was born in Ausable Forks and was the son of Hugh and Sally G. Martin. After a course in a business college in Ogdensburg, he entered the employ of Paul Smith, at that time engaged in building the hotel business which has since been so successful. During this time Mr. Martin made himself invaluable to his employer, and came to be regarded as his right hand man. During his employment by Mr. Smith, Mr. Martin represented the town of Brighton for many years on the Franklin county board of supervisors.
Upon leaving the employ of Mr. Smith, Mr. Martin engaged in the growing of hops on an extensive scale in Malone, later removing to Plattsburgh, where he became interested with Mr. Smith in the Fouquet House. Disposing of his interest in the hotel, he was later clerk at Clinton prison several years and still later became associated with J. Ovette Smith in the manufacture of pulp, under the firm name of Smith & Martin. This later became the Saranac River Pulp & Paper Co., B. S. W. Clark being added to the firm. The latter firm sold their mill to the Glens Falls Paper Mill Co., later incorporated into the International Paper Co., and purchased the mill at High Falls, in Chateaugay. His interest in this mill was retained by Mr. Martin till his death, he being at that time an official and director of the company.
Mr. Martin was an ardent Democrat, of the old-fashioned kind. He served one term as clerk of Clinton county.
Mr. Martin was also a director of the Iron National Bank, and was one of the committee in charge of the liquidation of that institution when it was succeeded by the Plattsburgh National. Mr. Martin was vice-president and director of the Plattsburgh National Bank, and his assistance and advice will be greatly missed by his colleagues.
He always maintained an intense interest in the development of the Adirondacks and the hotels of that region, and recently acted as manager of the Mirror Lake House for several years. He was also vice-president and director of the Lawrence-Webster Co., of Malone, manufacturers of woolen cloth.
On October 31, 1882, Mr. Martin was married to Kate Estelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. W. Clark. He is survived by a widow, three children. Miss Adeline Lydia Martin, Charles Edwin Martin, Jr., and Harry Polhemus Martin; three sisters, Mrs. William Duane, of Brighton; Mrs. John H. Titus, of Bloomingdale, and Mrs. Kate M. Jones, of Lake Placid; four brothers, Henry H. Martin and Douglass E. Martin, of Paul Smith's; George M. Martin, of Bloomingdale, and Fred E. Martin, of Brighton.
Mr. Martin was a prominent Mason and was a member of the several branches of that order, including De Soto Commandery, No. 49, Knights Templar, and Oriental Temple, of Troy. Mr. Martin had been elected captain general at the recent meeting of the Commandery. He was also a member of Plattsburgh Lodge No. 621, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Personally, Mr. Martin was one of the most genial and generous of men. His unvarying courtesy and kindness of heart endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Of him it may be truthfully said, "He had many friends and no enemies." Next to kindliness, Mr. Martin's most prominent characteristics were energy and pluck, which were prominently displayed in his, successful business career. He will be missed by none more than his business associates,by whom his advice and counsel were always heeded.
Mr. Martin's death will cause a deep regret in Plattsburgh and this entire section as well, and his bereaved family will have the sincere sympathy of the community.