Born: 25 August 1879, son of Charles R. Henderson, Sr., and Jeanie N. Henderson
Died: 24 March 1912
Married: 29 June 1909 to Edith Bartlett of Worchester, Mass.
Children: none
Charles R. Henderson, Jr. was one of the founders and Secretary of the Saranac Lake Society for the Control of Tuberculosis, and of the Boys' Club, Member of the Board of Trade, trustee of the Reception Hospital, on the board of visitors of the Ray Brook State Hospital, and involved with a number of other philanthropic movements in Saranac Lake during the 14 years he lived here. Mr. Henderson built the Henderson Cottage at 154 Park Avenue in Saranac Lake in 1910. His sister Janet, who never married, eventually acquired the house and is listed there in directories from 1933 to 1954.
Charles Henderson was diagnosed with advanced tuberculosis in 1907 at the Trudeau Sanatorium. Edith B. Henderson died on 11 March 1911; according to family lore, she died of tuberculosis. They are both buried in the Henderson family plot in Southampton, New York.
Source: Anne Goebel Barkman, granddaughter of Charles' sister, Beatrix Henderson Robb.
Costumed for a winter festival, a group of prominent, early Saranac Lakers sat for photographer George W. Baldwin. Most were here because of tuberculosis, their own or that of a family member. The figure in the center, perhaps dressed as Henry VIII, is tentatively identified as Charles Henderson, Jr., and the fellow standing next to him as A. D. Moir. The young ladies seated in front are Janet Henderson, left, and one of her sisters, and the cowboy is probably W. B. Trowbridge. Undated, but taken long before color film was used, this photo was hand-colored. Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 31, 2011 Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 12, 1969
1912—"Charles R. Henderson, founder and secretary of the Society for the Control of Tuberculosis in Saranac Lake, died suddenly Saturday upon returning to the home of Dr. J. Woods Price from dining with friends. Mr. Henderson had been in apparently excellent health for some time and his sudden death was a distinct shock to the community.
"In the fourteen years of his life in Saranac Lake, Mr. Henderson had become identified with every philanthropic movement of note. In addition to being the founder of the tuberculosis society, he was actively identified with its support and his charity connections did not stop there. He was one of the directors of the General Hospital and had recently been made a trustee of the Reception Hospital. He organized the Boys Club of St. Luke's church and was a member of the Board of Trade and of the Pontiac Club.