Born: October 15, 1916

Died: April 26, 2000


Children: Tim Rose, Deborah Rose Cravets

Dr. Cordt E. Rose was an anesthesiologist who lived at 170 Park Avenue. He left the area when Sunmount closed in the mid-1960s. A patient who stayed at Ray Brook in 1934 remembered a Dr. Rose; but the patient also returned for check ups, and may have seen him later than that.  Dr. Rose is buried in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 23, 2000

Cordt E. Rose

SARANAC LAKE - Word has recently been received of the death of Dr. Cordt E. Rose on April 26, 2000.

Dr. Rose is a nationally recognized anesthesiologist who trained at the Columbia - Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, under the famous Virginia Apgar.

Dr. Rose practiced in Saranac Lake in the five hospitals in the Tri-Lake area. He was a partner of Dr. Donald Richter for 16 years, from 1948 to 1964.

At the time of his death, he was living with his daughter Deborah Cravets of Oceanside, Calif.

Survivors include two children Debbie and Timmy and two grandsons.
