Address: Coreys Road
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Other information: The hamlet of Coreys had a one-room school that was attended about 1912 by Clarence and William Petty, and Harry Freeman's children, Ross, Alice and Grace, and Bob Canning's daughter Gertrude; Freeman and Canning were guides along with Ellsworth Petty on the Bartlett Carry. There is a photograph of a class from this era taken by Catherine Petty.
Tupper Lake Herald, July 9, 1926
Pupils of the Coreys school and, their parents were entertained by Mrs. K. G. Monier, teacher, at one of the state camps on the Racquette river, Friday, July 2nd. The picnic marked the close of the term for the summer vacation.
Much merriment was caused by the different races and so forth, in which both parents and pupils took part. Mrs. Frank Vosburgh carried off a prize in the potato race and Mrs. Carl Lovejoy won the bag race. Bathing and boating were enjoyed by the young people and a victrola furnished music for dancing. A picnic lunch was served by the mothers of the pupils.
Mrs. Monier was presented with a five pound box of bon-bons as a token of esteem. Those entertained were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vosburgh, and guests; Logan Williamson and Neil Irby of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woods, Kenneth Lovejoy, Fred Woods, Lester White, Sylvester Reid, Donald Smith, Pauline Woods, Beatrice Woods, Ethel Reid, Ruth White and Isabel Woods.
From the program for the opening of the New Town Hall auditorium (Harrietstown), October 3 & 4, 1928
"School District One, Town of Harrietstown, is the largest school district in the state as to area. In addition to the Junior-Senior High and the three ward schools we have a school-house at Corey's which comes under our supervision. In the past three years this school district has completed the following new schools: . . . new school at Corey's at a cost of $10,000."
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, September 6, 1952
25 Years ago today [1927]
Expressing the opinion that the voters of this school district were not aware of actual conditions at the Coreys school when they voted down the proposition for a new school there, Frank H. Wood, director of the school building and grounds division of the State Department of Education, requested that a special meeting be held to take a new vote.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, September 4, 1963
The Corey's school is to be put up for bid providing the deed is in order.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, Semptember 1, 1971
Local Couple Buys Old Coreys School
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pickering of this village have purchased for $3,655 the old Coreys school, which they plan to make into a summer camp. It was one of seven closed and unused schools in the Harrietstown District I school system sold recently.