Cortis Ferdinand Moody

Cortis Moody. Adirondack Daily Enterprise Cortis Moody's tombstone in Pine Ridge Cemetery Born: 1822, a son of Jacob Smith Moody and Sally B. Moody, the first settlers of Saranac Lake, and the first child of European descent born in the Saranac Lake area.

Died: 1902

Married: Martha J., died June 12, 1867 (see story below); Elizabeth S. Snay, born 1851, died 1923.

Children: Cortez, Eugene Cortez Moody, James Emerson.Rogers. Moody, Francis Leon Moody, Abram (Abe) Hewitt, Jane (Jenny) Moody, Milo Martin Moody and Henry William Moody. Mary MacKenzie reports that he had three more children not named in Donaldson: Jacob S., Henry William and Jennie. Jacob S. died July 5, 1852, at the age of 5, and is buried beside his father and grandmother Sally in Pine Ridge Cemetery. Jennie married Edwin Stoner, a nephew of the famous Adirondack trapper Nicholas Stoner. Jennie's married name was Stoner and in 1860 was living in Germantown.

Cortis F. Moody (sometimes given as Cortez or Cortes, and known as Cort) was the first child of European descent born in the Saranac Lake area. His parents had settled along the Old Military Road (now Pine Street) near its intersection today with Brandy Brook Avenue, formerly River Street.

Between 1876 and 1880, Cort Moody built a house at 195 Lake Flower Avenue that was torn down in about 1996; today's [2011] Community Bank was built on the site.

Plattsburgh Sentinel, June 20, 1867

A Woman Drowned.

BLOOMINGDALE, June 15, 1867. EDS. SENTINEL— Mrs. Martha Cortes Moody (second wife) was drowned in the Upper Saranac Lake on the 13th inst. She had been across the lake to visit a family living there. After tea she took her boat and started for home. The wind commenced blowing quite hard about the time she started, but she was so much accustomed to handling a boat that she considered herself equal to the task. Her friends watched her until she passed a point on the lake about half way to her home.

Her husband had been gone a few days, and did not return until the 14th , and then to find his home desolate. He immediately went across the lake to the friends mentioned above, and after learning the fact of her visit the day before, he immediately made search along the shore of the lake, and found her dead, with her hands clutched to the bushes at the edge of the water.— The boat was turned over probably by the force of the gale; and it is supposed she hung to it and worked it ashore, and then left it and seized the bushes, but was too far exhausted to get out of the water, and thus perished.

If first published in 1928, then the following report likely refers to Cortis Moody's son, Cort Moody, as Cortis Moody died in 1902.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, March 17, 1953 [1928]

25 Years ago today

Cort Moody, of 157 Lake Flower ave., came in from his trap lines with the biggest beaver seen here in the special, open season declared that year on the animal for the month of March. He had two splendid specimens, the larger weighing about 65 pounds, the smaller 40 pounds.