Born: 1818

Died: 1898

Married: Jane S. Blake

Children: Edward N. Ames, Daniel Ames, Jr., Lydia Cameron, Cyrena Ames Lamoy, William Ames, Moses Ames

Born in New Hampshire, Daniel Ames was pioneer farmer and lumberman. He married Jane S. Blake (1818-1883) of that state in 1839, and migrated to Elba the same year.

Between about 1840 and 1859 Ames built a house on the original route of the Northwest Bay Road. A Democrat, Ames served his town as supervisor from 1853 to 1855, justice of the peace, commissioner and assessor; in 1853, he defeated Milote Baker, presumably for justice of the peace. 1 The Ameses had five children, born in the house; their daughter Lydia married Duncan Cameron, and they built the Ray Brook House, a well-known wayside inn.

Plattsburgh Sentinel, August 5, 1870

Local Correspondence. Lower Saranac—Miscellaneous Lower Saranac. Perry's, July 22, 1870.

…On our way to Baker's we passed through thousands of acres of whortleberries. As the berries are just getting prime, hundreds of people will be there daily, some parties from a distance of twenty miles or more. We also passed the fine residence of Mr. Daniel Ames, who is in comfortable circumstances, but has done hard work enough to be a rich man. Mr. Ames is of the Democratic persuasion, but says he should take our paper if it was printed in Oregon.

Essex County Republican, October 30, 1873

Daniel Ames has sold his saw saw and shingle mill to his son, E. N. Ames.

Plattsburgh Press-Republican, December 2, 1963

Continuing brief biographical summaries of early settlers of the Clinton-Essex County areas:


Daniel Ames was long active in farming and lumbering operations at North Elba.

He was born at Pierpont, Grafton County, N.H., Sept. 17, 1817, grandson of Nathan Ames, who had participated in the Indian Wars, and who settled in the Town of Chesterfield in 1821 and later operated a farm at Wilmington.

Daniel Ames' father, Seymour Ames, died in Iowa in 1894. Daniel settled at North Elba in 1838 and engaged in extensive lumbering operations. At one time he was owner of one thousand acres of timberland. In 1851 he settled on a farm of 200 acres.

In 1839 he married Jane Blake of New Hampshire. There were five children, Edward; Lydia J., who married Duncan Cameron; Moses; Serena, who married Joseph Lamoy of Saranac Lake; Byrin P. Ames. Mrs. Ames died in 1884. The following year Ames married Mrs. Nellie (Pratt) Sherwood of Lewis.

Ames, a Democrat, served as commissioner of highways, town supervisor and assessor.



1. Essex County Republican, March 12, 1853