Born: 1898

Died: September 2, 1962

Married: Louise Mayer Blumenthal

Children: Jean Sulzberger, Ellen Sulzberger Straus, Ann Sulzberger Sand

David Hays Sulzberger was a prominent Jewish investment broker and active Jewish communal leader. His family occupied Cottage Two at Knollwood. He was the son of Cyrus L. Sulzberger and Rachel Peixotto Hays. His brother, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, was publisher of the New York Times.

He went to Europe immediately after World War II on missions for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. He was a brother of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, chairman of the board of The New York Times.

He served on the executive committee of the American Jewish Committee, and was vice-president of the Jewish Social Service Association in 1938. He was also chairman of the Greater New York Coordinating Committee for German Refugees at the outbreak of World War II.

