Dolan Cottage
Postcard featuring Dolan Cottage. Historic Saranac Lake Collection, 2022.83.691. Gift of Ann Pecora Diamond.
Address: 108 Franklin Avenue
Old Address: 20 Franklin Avenue
Other names: Noyes Cottage (1911), Morse Cottage (1913), Dolan Cottage (1928-at least 1941), Ryan Cottage (1948-1951); DIS
Year built:
Other information: There was another Dolan Cottage at 49 Franklin Avenue. From Trudeau family photographs (Album #7) in the Adirondack Collection of the Saranac Lake Free Library, it seems very likely that this house was the first home of Dr. E. L. Trudeau's son, Francis, and his wife, Helen, who were married in 1914.
COTTAGE CALLS, The Guild News, July 1941
The Dolan Cottage at 20 Franklin Avenue is rapidly becoming a house of all nations. Hungary, England, Puerto Rico and Cuba are represented. Incidentally, the arts and professions are well represented, too.
There is, for example, Mrs. Betty Hazen Schefer, who has been a patient here for the last year and a half. Her father was English and her mother Hungarian. She was born in Hungary, and came to this country when she was two and a half years old. The accent, barely discernable and quite unaffected, is a bit British.
Mrs. Schefer, who has lovely auburn hair and is a most attractive lady, walks with the faintest trace of a limp. It doesn't keep her from dancing--on a ballroom floor at any rate--but it did put a finish to a brilliant career with the Fokine ballet.
She studied with Fokine for a year and a half. Then one day in rehearsal something happened--a little accident that left the hip uncomfortable. She continued rehearsing for three weeks. That was the end of the professional dancing career. It was almost three months before the hip was x-rayed. Then followed long months in a New York hospital.
There was no more professional dancing, but there were lots of other things: principally a job with Readers' Digest--the business department. No to lose touch with the arts, she learned to play the violin. She's a member of a string quartette.
Two sketches of her very interesting and unforgettable face are among the pictures which decorate the walls of her room. One is in charcoal and the other in Conte. Both were done by Raymond Ridabock, a member of the Saranac Lake Art League. They tell you a lot about Betty Hazen Schefer.
George F. Whiteside, who has been here since May of 1939, describes himself as a "misguided Irishman, trying to go straight." Under pressure he admits that he was born in Baltimore, Md.
He's an auditor with the Employers' Liability Assurance, Ltd., of London, England. Boston, Mass. is its main office in this country. He says the war hasn't affected its business one bit.
He started his career with the Maryland Casualty Insurance Co. in Baltimore and stayed with them for 25 years.
He's sure he's had tuberculosis for more years than you could shake a stick at, but, he says, he "kidded" himself he was having a nervous breakdown. He coughed and coughed, and generally ignored it.
He like to give credit for his diagnosis to a Washington, D. C. man, Dr. J. Wesley Edel. Dr. Edel declared, "I'm not a specialist. I'm just a general practitioner, but I think . . . ."
Dr. Edel's thoughts brought Mr. Whiteside to Trudeau Sanatorium, and to Dr. J. Woods Price. Things are looking up so much that Mr. Whiteside thinks he may go home in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Matienzo are a health resort romance. She's from Cuba. He's from Puerto Rico. They have both cured here off and on for several years. They met here and were married in December of 1926 in Tucson, Ariz.
Mr. Matienzo's family is in the sugar cane business. His brother operates a large dry goods business in Puerto Rico.
Mrs. Matienzo, who is a beautiful Cuban girl, happily is well now. Mr. Matienzo still cures, but he's an up-patient.
Mr. Matienzo's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Guillermety from Puerto Rico arrived here a few weeks ago and are staying at Dolan's too. Mr. Guillermety is curing. He's a construction engineer.
They're a merry crew. They don't have to leave the confines of 20 Franklin to have a lot of fun.#