Born: 1868

Died: 1945

Married: Elizabeth Davies

Children: Lyall Davies De La Mater

Chiefly known for: Frank E. Kendall sold the building at 81 Main Street to Eugene DeLaMater and Leonard B. Magill in September, 1905, for $8,000. He did not sell the pharmacy business, however, which DeLaMater ran as manager and pharmacist.

He was a member of the school board in 1907.

Elizabeth Delamater was a member of the Reviewers Club from 1910 to 1918.

As a member or members, Eugene De La Mater, and his wife, Elizabeth D. De La Mater, were named in the sale of Pontiac Club property to the Saranac Lake Boys' Club, Inc., in 1917. 

Utica Weekly Herald, April 23, 1893

Holland Patent

Eugene De LaMater of Saranac married Miss Elizabeth Davies of Holland Patent on April 25, 1893 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Davies. Eugene owned a home and was a proprietor of a pharmacy in Old Forge, NY before moving to Saranac Lake.
