Everton Lumber Company was formed in 1888 from the failure of an earlier concern by Henry Patton with George E. Dodge and David H. Patton. It was associated with Thomas H. McGraw and Theodore B. Basselin, one of the original commissioners of the newly formed Forest Commission
Adirondack News, April 28, 1888
The dissolution of the firm of McFarlane & Ross will be found in this issue. This firm was organized three years ago and during the three years since the company commenced doing business, they have expended a large amount of money and have been very instrumental in the developement of this section of the country, we give below a partial account of the business transacted by them during their brief stay with us. They purchased 16,000 acres of timbered land at a cost of $50,000; built seven miles of railroad, through a very hard country, so hard even that some thought it an impossibility to build a road that would be of practical use through such a country, this required an expenditure of $10,000. At present there is a considerable figuring being done to make this road which is named St. Regis Falls & Everton R. R. a connecting link between the Canada Pacific and the Carthage road which is to be built this summer, from the R. W. & O. R. R. penetrating the southern portion of the Adirondack wilderness. The plan is to extend the Canada Pacific to Ft. Covington, and from there through Malone connecting with the St. R. F. & E. R. R. at Everton, and the much talked of road to be built by Cutting & Mitchell to connect the St R. F. & E. with the Carthage road, thus making a through line, so the road first built for lumbering purposes may yet be a portion of a great railway line.
The firm also built two mills at a cost of about $35,000; have manufactured about 30,000,000 ft of lumber, and leave the business in a flourishing condition. The sale including the winter's supply of logs amounted to about $130,000; The profit of the business for the three years equalled nearly $80,000.
Henry Patton the buyer, has organized the property into a stock company, under the name of Everton Lumber Co., with Henry Patton as Pres. B. G. Mullin, Supt. D. L. Patton, Sec'y.