Born: 1894
Died: c. November 6, 1978
Married: Mildred Leonard
Frank M. Baker operated a marina at 119 River Street in 1928; it became Charlie Keough's Keough Marine in 1948.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, April 17, 1953
25 Years ago today [April 17, 1928]
A new outboard motor and hull sales agency had been established here by Frank M. Baker, motor boat racing enthusiast. Mr. Baker had taken over the agency for the Johnson Outboard Motor Co., as well as for several manufacturers of hulls.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 6, 1978
Frank M. Baker
SARANAC LAKE — Word has been received her of the death of Frank M. Baker, 82, in Pompano Beach, Fla.
Mr. Baker was the founder of the marine business in Saranac Lake now called Keough Marine and owned by Charles Keough.
He is survived by his wife Mildred L. Baker; and a niece and nephew.
There are no services scheduled and interment will be in Owego.
August 28, 1970
White House Letter Of 1907 Found Here
Bob (not Spiro) Agnew of Saranac Lake has sent us an original letter on White House stationery, signed by William Loeb, Secretary to the President (which proved to be too light to engrave).
The letter is dated from Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 5, 1907. And the text is "My dear Sir, Your letter of the 30th ultimo has been received and will be called to the attention of the President. Very truly yours," and signed.
The signer of this letter has no relationship to the author of these paragraphs. It is clear from the date, as well as them the Oyster Bay source, that the President in question was Theodore Roosevelt.
The letter was addressed to Frank M. Baker who, according to Bob Agnew, was railroad commissioner living in Owego, N. Y. Baker's grandson, also Frank M. Baker lived in Saranac Lake and married Mildred Leonard, and now lives in Florida.
Agnew purchased the Baker home on Lake Kiwassa and found a number of papers there including the letter from the White House in 1907.
The Loeb of the letter has a place in Adirondack history. If you listen to the explanation of one of the dioramas at the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake, you will hear that it was in the Adirondacks that William Loeb informed his boss, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, that because of the death of President McKinley through assassination, he had become President of the United States.
The son of that William Loeb is now publisher of the Manchester Union leader, the largest daily paper in New Hampshire. The present William Loeb would not deny that he is, to put it mildly, an extreme conservative. We have often been accused of a blood relationship but we are certain that he resents the suggested kinship as strongly as we do. In fact, we have never met, a circumstance, we feel certain, generally agreeable to both individuals although we can speak for only one.
Many years ago Thomas Braden, whose syndicated column is carried by The Enterprise, sought to purchase the Manchester paper. But its then owner, the widow of Col. Frank Knox, FDR's wartime Secretary of the Navy and Republican candidate for Vice President with Alfred Landon in 1936, refused to sell the paper to Braden (as she refused to sell the Chicago Daily News to a group headed by the late Adlai Stevenson). Loeb was given a certain period of time to raise the required funds and he succeeded.