Frank M. Jackson acquired the small telephone exchange established by Francis M. Bull in his drug store at 18 Main Street in 1887.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, February 25, 1910
Manager of Postal Telegraph Office at Saranac Lake Dies Suddenly.
Frank M. Jackson, manager of the Postal Telegraph Co. for the past 20 years at Saranac Lake died in that village from heart failure at 5 o'clock Sunday morning.
Mr. Jackson, while failing in health for over three years, had stuck to his post up to a week ago. Mr. Jackson organized the first telephone system that was operated in Saranac Lake, selling the system to the Bell interests a few years ago.
He was also manager of the opera house at Saranac Lake at the time of his death and had at one time managed the opera houses at Lake Placid and Tupper Lake and has had a troupe on the road. This made him well known among theatrical men and women.