Address: 806 New York Route 86, Gabriels
Old Address:
Other names: Gabriels Grange Hall
Year built:
Other information: The Gabriels Grange Hall dates to 1913 or earlier. It was the home of the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange. The national organization, the National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry was founded in 1867.
Between 1931 and 1933, the Grange Hall was used as a Junior High School. Local children attending the Saranac Lake High School after the local elementary classes found themselves behind in their studies and often took an extra year to finish because of it, so the Gabriels district established a Junior High School with additional subjects to prepare their students to be competitive. The Adirondack Room at the Saranac Lake Free Library received two yearbooks which document this school in July 2012.
Malone Palladium, February 11, 1904
A Grange was organized at Paul Smiths recently, making eight which have been instituted in Franklin county. The new branch of the Order starts with 35 charter members, and is named the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange. Deputy P. S. DALY, of Brushton, was the organizer.
Chateaugay Record and Franklin County Democrat, June 4, 1926
The next meeting of the Franklin County Pomona Grange will be held on Friday, June 11th, at the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange Hall at Gabriels. There will be afternoon and evening sessions and an interesting program is now being prepared. It is expected that there will be a large attendance of the members of the subordinate Granges of the county, and all who come will be hospitably welcomed by the officers and members of the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange.
[Note: a "Pomona Grange" is a group of granges in a given area.]
Adirondack News, September 24, 1927
The Gabriels Grange entertained 50 members of Adirondack Grange, of Dickinson Center, Wednesday evening. A good program was presented and choice refreshments were served. Those from St. Regis Falls in attendance were: Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Webster, E. E. Bandy,.and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boardrow.
Malone Farmer, November 16, 1927
At the meeting of the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange, No. 1006, held at the Grange Hall in Gabriels, Wednesday evening, Nov. 9th, the following officers were elected:
Master—Robert Gallagher. Overseer—Samuel Newell. Chaplain—Mrs. Charles Gleisner. Lecturer—Mrs. Robert Gallagher. Steward—Fred Duquette. Asst. Steward—Fred Ransom. Treasurer—Andrew MacMaster. Secretary—Miss Esther Swinyer. Kate Keeper—James Sullivan. Ceres—Gertrude Downs. Pomona—Mrs. Marion Wilson. Flora—Mrs. James Sullivan. Lady Asst. Steward—Miss Laura Pratt. Pianist—Mrs. John McDonald. Trustee—John McDonald.
Installation of officers and the annual banquet will be held Wednesday evening-, Dec. 14th. A large attendance is desired.
The ladies of the B. & H. Grange No. 1006 held their annual harvest supper Thursday evening, Nov. 10th at the Grange Hall in Gabriels. It was well attended and the receipts totalled $73.95.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 28, 1960
A reminder about the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange card party in their hall in Gabriels on November 30 at 8 p.m. Refreshments.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, March 17, 1966
The trustees of the Brighton and Harrietstown Grange and several other members held a business meeting at the home of Bentley Darling and guest speaker were State Deputy Arthur Tanner and Junior Deputy Mrs. Tanner from Bangor. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Darling served a delicious lunch of assorted sandwiches, salads and jellied fruit salad, cookies and coffee for dessert
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, April 13, 1972
GABRIELS — The Brighton and Harrietstown Grange host to eleven granges of Franklin County at a Neighbor Night program. All eleven were represented and about 50 persons attended. The Bangor Grange lecturer presented a program of music and recitations. The B and H Grange furnished refreshments.