Born: June 24, 1850
Died: July 8, 1902
Married: Ella J. Isham
Children: One daughter, Mrs. Nellie Weaver
George T. Chellis was a surveyor, civil engineer, contractor and builder. He lived in Lake Placid, but his work as a surveyor in the Saranac Lake area survives in deeds and property descriptions to this day.
Malone Farmer, July 16, 1902
George T. Chellis, a well-known resident, of Lake Placid, who did considerable work in that locality as a civil engineer, and who, as a contractor and builder, erected many of the Lake Placid cottages, died at his home in that village on Tuesday of last week.
The Adirondack Enterprise, July 17, 1902
Obituary: George T. Chellis
At Lake Placid, N.Y., Tuesday, July 8, 1902, George T. Chellis, aged 52 years.
Mr. Chellis was by profession a civil engineer and surveyor, and was a leading and respectable citizen of this place. He was a son of Thomas and Eliza Burdick Chellis, and was born at Plattsburgh, N.Y. June 24, 1850.
His early life was spent on the farm, his education was that of a district school and at the age of sixteen years he had taught district school for six terms, after which he started out on an independent course. He early became a master mechanic and was for years a member of the firm of H. L. Isham & Son, carriage manufacturers of Plattsburgh.
In 1875, Mr. Chellis was united in marriage to Ella J. Isham, daughter of the late H. L. Isham, of Plattsburgh.
In 1881, he removed to Lake Placid, where he engaged in the lumber business, residing here until the time of his death. He has been identified in all the public affairs of the village, town and county and was a staunch Republican. He served as town clerk for eight years and as supervisor for six years. Mr. Chellis' kindly disposition and true Christian character and manhood endowed him to all who knew him, and in his loss each one of us feel as though we had lost a friend and brother.
He leaves surviving him his widow, an only daughter, Mrs. Nellie Weaver; stepmother Mrs. Thos. Chellis; half-sister Mrs. Mooney, of Point Au Roche; and two half-brothers, David and Bert, of the same place. He was buried at Lake Placid on Thursday last with Masonic and Forestee [sic] honors, he being an active member of both of these orders.
Elizabethtown Post and Gazette, December 25, 1902
Report of Special Committee on the Death of George T. Chellis.
Mr. Wood, chairman of the special committee to prepare resolutions on the death of George T. Chellis, submitted and read the following preamble and resolutions: To the Hon Board of Supervisors of the County of Essex:
Your committee, appointed by this Board, respectfully submit the following preamble and resolution upon the death of George T. Chellis, a former member of this body, viz:
Whereas, By the death of George T. Chellis, we are again reminded that there is an appointed time to man on earth, and sooner or later death stealeth in and taketh us away one by one.
When in May last he was taken il at his home in Newman, little did any one think it would be his last sickness.
He grew gradually worse, and all that medical skill could do for his relief was done. At times he would rally, and hopes were entertained for his recovery; but all of no avail. He suffered until the 8th day of June, when he passed to that unknown world from whose bourne no traveler returns.
He was several times a member of this Board, and had held several minor offices of his town; owing to his intelligent judgment, and knowledge of town and county affairs and other matters in general, his advice was eagerly sought by his associates, which was readily and willingly given, always anxious to aid and assist in every manner possible.
His home relations were very affectionate and tender. He leaves a wife and one daughter to mourn the loss of a faithful and devoted husband and father.
As a member of this Board, and the other offices to which he had been called, he sought to serve the best interests of the people, and in his death the town of North Elba, the, County of Essex and the State has lost a faithful servant and humanity a friend.
It is deemed proper that this Board take suitable action in the matter, and that they place upon the records a fitting tribute to his memory; therefore be it
Resolved, That while we lament his death, we will cherish his memory and bow in humble submission to the decree and will of the Divine Master; and be it further
Resolved, That as a testimony of respect to the memory of the deceased, this preamble and resolutions be printed in our Journal, and that a copy of the same, signed by all the members of this Honorable Boards be sent to the family of the deceased by the clerk of this Board with the seal of the Board thereto attached.