Giles Bombard with his daughter, Beulah
Giles Bombard
Died: 1933
Married: Edith Crawford
Children: A. Douglas Bombard, Beulah Belle Bombard Biddlecombe
Giles A. Bombard operated Fowler's Livery (later Bombard's Livery) on the corner of Main Street and Broadway, between Broadway and the Saranac River; he also raced horses. He was involved in the development of the Petrova Avenue area. He came to Saranac Lake with his family in 1898. The family lived at 40 Petrova Avenue.
He was a son of Celinda and Joseph Bombard, a farmer from Franklin, according to the 1875 New York census.
Malone Farmer, January 7, 1903
Thomas Crawford and wife, of Thayers Corners, have issued cards announcing the marriage of their daughter, Edith, to Giles A. Bombard, on Wednesday, Jan. 14th. Fowler Livery business card
Giles Bombard, right, as famous entertainer Sir Harry Lauder, left. Lauder performed in Saranac Lake, a guest of William Morris.
Giles Bombard in one of Saranac Lake's first resident automobiles