Glenwood Drive, formerly Glenwood Estates, runs in an irregular loop off of Kiwassa Road. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise of November 24, 1954, reported that the Village Board had changed the name from Wayotah Road to Glenwood Avenue, because "everyone in town knows the name Glenwood," but "half the people never heard of Wayotah road," according to Collier Baird, the resident who, with the consent of a majority of his neighbors on the road, requested the change in name. A 1928 map uses fanciful native American names for various pieces of the present road: Indian Pass Road, Abenaki Road, and Wayota Road.

Old Address Post-911 Address Building Name Cure Evidence/Notes
4 Glenwood 32 Glenwood Drive 4 Glenwood  
32 Glenwood 72 Glenwood Drive Chuck Brumley's
log cabin
Built 1979
37 Glenwood Estate 254 Kiwassa Road 37 Glenwood Estate 1920
43 Glenwood 65 Glenwood Drive 43 Glenwood  
44 Glenwood Estates 84 Glenwood Drive 44 Glenwood Estates 1930
45 Glenwood 79 Glenwood Drive 45 Glenwood  
Glenwood Estates 92 Glenwood Drive Stonaker Cottage  Image
67 Glenwood Estates 111 Glenwood Drive Baird Cottage  
68 Glenwood Estates 124 Glenwood Drive Jenks Cottage



71 Glenwood Estates 117 Glenwood Drive Worthen Cottage Image
75 Glenwood Estates 147 Glenwood 75 Glenwood  
80 Glenwood Estates 176 Glenwood    
85 Glenwood Estates 12 Hayes Lane 85 Glenwood



92 Glenwood Estates 181 Glenwood Drive 92 Glenwood Estates  
99 Glenwood Estates 159 Glenwood Drive Rumsey Cottage

St. Joseph's


Cure Cottages, p. 22