Born: January 27, 1862
Died: January 20, 1910
Married: Ada Shene
Children: seven, including Sarah Redwood
Harvey M. Hyde served as commissioner of highways and town superintendent of highways for Santa Clara. He is buried in Mountain View Cemetery.
Adirondack News, January 22, 1910
Jan. 20.—Harvey M. Hyde, a well known resident of this town for the past twenty years, dropped dead near his home on the Paul Smith road early Monday forenoon. Soon after breakfast he left the house, apparently in the best of health, accompanied by one of his sons to cut up a wood pile, a quarter of a mile distant. After being at work about fifteen minutes Mr. Hyde walked behind a skid way when he suddenly dropped and instantly expired. He would have been 48 years of age on the 27th of the present month. For the past three years Mr. Hyde had been commissioner of highways and town superintendent of highways, having been succeeded November last by Willard Boyce, of Saranac Inn. Previous to his election to the office of highway commissioner, he had been an assessor for a dozen years. Mr. Hyde is survived by a wife and seven children, besides four brothers and a sister who reside In Chateaugay. The funeral was held Wednesday at the church at Keese Mills, interment in the Brighton cemetery. The deceased carried Insurance with the Maccabees and the Washington Life. --HANDY ANDY.