The Hiawatha Lodge (between 1900 and 1910)
Troy Daily Times, June 15, 1895
Hiawatha Lodge Dining room about 1912
Photograph courtesy of Kinsley WhittumThe Hiawatha House at the Stony Creek Ponds south end of the portage at the Indian Carry. Adirondack Daily Enterprise, October 23, 1999
The Hiawatha Lodge (undated) The Hiawatha Lodge, also known as the Hiawatha House, was located at the southern end of Indian Carry on First Pond, Stony Creek Ponds, in Corey's, New York. Adrian D. Stevenson purchased the Hiawatha Lodge in 1900. In 1902, he built a 9-hole golf course. 1 His daughter, Muriel Whittum, summered there throughout her life.
The first hotel burned in 1910, and the second, eight years later.
In 1908 The Adirondacks Illustrated's section on the Indian Carry, Seneca Ray Stoddard wrote "The Hiawatha Lodge at the south end of the carry, will provide for about 100. $3 per day. John R. MacDonald, proprietor.
The Hiawatha Lodge, apparently after it was rebuilt.
Photograph courtesy of Kinsley WhittumMalone Farmer, July 2, 1902
Misses Jessie and Lucy Lincoln and Carrie Child have gone to Corey's, N. Y., for the summer, where they will be employed at Hiawatha Lodge as waitresses.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, Mrs. Alice M. Stanley and daughter, Pearl, and Wesley Stanley are enjoying a two weeks' outing at Hiawatha Lodge, Corey's N. Y., of which C. H. Warner [sic] is proprietor. Wesley Stanley expects to remain during the summer.
Malone Farmer, October 5, 1910
Fire which started from a fire place completely destroyed Hiawatha Lodge on Spectacle Lake near the Upper Saranac Sunday night, incurring a loss of $50,000 on which there was but $10,000 insurance. The property was owned by Mrs. Stevenson of New York and conducted by W. L. Beekman.
Tupper Lake Herald, October 2, 1914
E. W. & F. D. Woods, the lessees and managers of the Hiawatha Lodge and Cottages have ceased activities for the season and gone to their former home at Brushton for the winter.
George J. Manning has leased his Hiawatha Lodge on Spectacle Ponds, between the Upper Saranac Lake and the Raquette River, for the Fall and Winter. Mr. Manning is a well known Adirondack Guide and a resident of Saranac Lake. Mr. Manning will conduct the Hiawatha Lodge for the accommodation of all people. During the hunting season he will pay special attention to the needs of hunters, and assures all sportsmen that he will give them every attention. The prices will be reasonable. Mr. Manning is able to furnish carriages and boats, and will meet sportsmen at any point upon notification by letter or telephone.
Tupper Lake Herald, July 23, 1915
The long continued spell of wet weather that has visited the Adirondacks this year has raised the water in all the rivers and lakes to a record breaking height. Racquette river is bank full, a condition almost unprecedented in the history of this section for the middle of July. The largest motor launches on Big Tupper Lake can run with ease nearly 50 miles up the river to the foot of Racquette falls where Charles DeLancette and son are conducting the well known hotel and boat carry. No more delightful boating trip can be imagined than this ride from the boat houses at the foot of Wawbeek avenue, or from the Prince Albert or Waukesha hotels, or Sunset Cottages or lake at Moody, or from any of the beautiful camps on Big Tupper Lake. This trip includes Axton, where is located Foresters Inn. Hiawatha Lodge is only a short distance from the Inn, via the celebrated Indian carry which takes one into the Upper Saranac Lake.Photograph courtesy of Kinsley Whittum
Tupper Lake Herald, December 31, 1915.
A New Years Dance will be held at Hiawatha Lodge on Friday evening, Dec. 31st. A good old-fashioned oyster supper will be served and an orchestra of eight pieces will furnish music. Everybody is cordially invited. Bill, $1.00 per couple.
Malone Farmer, June 5, 1918
Indian Carry golf links
Photograph courtesy of Kinsley WhittumThe first Hiawatha Lodge, Detroit Publishing, c. 1909 (detail: full image at Library of Congress)Hiawatha Lodge in the Upper Saranac region, one of the popular fishing, hunting and tourist resorts, was totally destroyed by fire last week, together with one of the adjoining private cottages. The hotel was occupied by the caretaker and his family and was to be opened to the public in a few days. The fire occurred at about 10 o'clock at night. The caretaker and his wife were asleep when the fire broke out, but managed to get their five children safely to the boat house and to save a few of their own clothes, and that was all, the children's clothes and all the family's personal effects being destroyed. The new Hiawatha Lodge was built about five years ago on the shores of Stony Creek Ponds, the former hotel of that name having also been destroyed by fire. The loss is about $10,000, only partially covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. The hotel was owned by Mrs. Anna Louise Stevenson, of Brooklyn, and leased to A. L. Drew, of Tupper Lake.
Two of three nearly identical guest cottages on Stony Creek Ponds, part of the original lodge complex.
1955 USGS topographic map detail
See also:
1. Tupper Lake Herald, May 5, 1971