Horton's Greenhouse ad, Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 23, 1952

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 22, 1966Address: the location of the former Burger KIng, then Nona Fina (now closed)

Old Address: 7 South Street/108 River Street

Other names: Horton's Greenhouses (1903 - 1952), Fir Farm Florist (1952 - 1966), Don the Florist (1966 - 1969)

Year built: 1903

Other information: The greenhouse, with the florist shop on South Street, was begun by Ed Horton in 1903, and later operated by the Meinekers, aided at one time by Julie Lamy. The buildings — on back-to-back properties that ran through the block to their settlement- period house on River Street— were sold and torn down to create a site for the Burger King on River Street, later converted to the Italian restaurant Nonna Fina (vacant and for sale in 2021).

The Fir Farm, operating from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Norton, on the Trudeau road. apparently sold flowers at this location in the 1960s, according to the Village Directories.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, April 8, 1954



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