Born: 1857

Died: 1942

Married: Henry Davis

Children: Ida, Frank Davis, Elizabeth, Eunice, Albert, Nelson Davis, Genevieve and Anne Davis Garmany

Jane Nelson Davis is buried in Pine Ridge Cemetery.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, September 1, 2007

The Adirondack Davis family

By Howard Riley

Hank's wife and the mother of those eight children did not have it easy... It was very prestigious back then to be a personal guide and not a "hotel guide" as one gained wealthy, notable clientele .. and Hank was a personal guide, gone for long stretches of time hunting moose and caribou in Canada or fishing for white sea bass and marl in off the coast of California Here is Mrs. Arnold telling of her mother's life:

"Jane Davis was a slender, wiry woman with jet black hair drawn tightly over her ears. She commanded the homestead with firm but loving discipline, tending two wood fires in winter and one for cooking all summer, washing by hand for the large family, baking eight loaves of bread every other day and walking a mile to town for food supplies.

"Still, these were not hardships when compared to the life her mother and father had left behind in Ireland. She had been only six months old, in 1857, when her parents, John Nelson and the former Mary Parks, made the six-week passage on a sailing ship from their former home in Magherfeldt, County Deny. The Ireland they left lay devastated by the potato famine. By comparison, the life of the Adirondack settlers was not bad."
