Born: November 24, 1907
Died: May 7, 1969
Married: Beatrice
Children: Barry, Pamela
Joseph Gordon was a doctor at Ray Brook Hospital from 1938 to 1953.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, July 24, 1953
After 14 years of building and developing a thoracic surgery program at the Ray Brook State Tuberculosis Hospital, Dr. Joseph Gordon, principal thoracic surgeon, announced today that he is leaving the service to establish himself in private practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dr. Gordon came to Ray Brook August 1. 1939, when the new infirmary building was opened, to help with the development of thoracic surgery service at the hospital. The service has had a continuous growth so that for the past seven years its program, under Dr. Gordon, has been accepted for thoracic surgery toward specialty board training. Residents have been in training over the years from this country and from various parts of the world, including China, Japan, India, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and South America.
During the war years, while Dr. Warriner Woodruff was in the armed forces, Dr. Gordon, and Dr. Edward S. Welles alternated helping each other with their surgery, because of lack of adequate assistance, between Ray Brook, the Saranac Lake General Hospital, the Sunmount VA Hospital where they established a new surgical program in keeping with the changed and improved Veterans Administration policies.
Dr. Gordon is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, the College of Chest Physicians, an active member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, a member of the American Trudeau Society and the Upstate Society of Thoracic Surgeons. He is a member of the Founder's Group of the Board of Thoracic Surgery.
At the summer meetings of the latter society. Dr. Gordon has presented scientific papers each year since its establishment in 1946. In addition, he has contributed some 16 medical papers to the literature on the general subject of thoracic surgery. Because of his interest in historical, medicine; Dr. Gordon presented papers to the Osier Club, of which he was president during the 1947-48 session, on “Ancient Hebrew and Biblical Medicine” “Superstitions in Ancient Medicine” and “Astrology in Medicine “.
He is a consultant in thoracic surgery at Stony Wold Sanatorium, Lake Kushaqua, Sunmount VA Hospital, Tupper Lake; Mercy General Hospital, Tupper Lake and a member of the active staff of the Saranac Lake General Hospital.
Dr. Gordon was born in Baltimore, Md., on November 24, 1907, and attended public schools there. After graduating from the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, he attended the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy where he received the degree of Ph. D. in 1930, and received a B.S. degree while attending medical school at the University of Maryland from which he was graduated in 1934. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon have two children, born in Saranac Lake. They are Hugh Barry, aged 10 and Pamela Bonnie, 5.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 13, 1969
Dr. Joseph Gordon
Word has been received here of the death on May 7 of Joseph Gordon, M.D. of Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Gordon was once associated with Ray Brook Hospital.
He was born in Baltimore, Md., was graduated from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine and trained as a thoracic surgeon.
Dr. Gordon was a fellow of the American Trudeau Society and a past president of the New Mexico Trudeau Society among many other medical groups. He also was the author of over 22 original scientific publications.
Survivors include his wife, Beatrice; a son, Barry; and a daughter, Pamela.