Tupper Lake Herald, November 5, 1919
Tries to Get in Through Plate Glass Window
(Saranac Lake Enterprise)
A Ford car owned by Barney Lantry of Tupper Lake ran away on Berkeley hill on Sunday afternoon while no one was looking, and tried to get into the New York restaurant owned and operated by William Hennessey on Broadway.
The car got a good start and succeeded in smashing the big plate glass window in the restaurant but that was all.
Mr. Lantry's son came to Saranac Lake Sunday, stopped his car in front of L. E. Cheeseman's store and went into the place to buy a cigar. The right front wheel of the car had been turned to catch on the curb. It didn't catch very solidly, however, and while Mr. Lantry was inside the store, the hungry Ford slipped its moorings and headed down hill and across the street straight for the restaurant. George Wright and Joseph Gafford were standing in front of the restaurant. The car made straight for them. Both gentlemen ducked down the stair to the Chinese laundry in the basement. Meanwhile, barely missing them, the machine plunged into the plate glass, the lower half of which was shattered to smithereens.
The Ford, thus foiled, wept copiously from its damaged radiator, and limped with a twisted fore ankle. Young Mr. Lanrty was told his car had ran away but didn't believe it. He took his time coming out of Mr. Cheeseman's store, only to find that his machine had taken French leave.
The elder Mr. Lantry came from Tupper Lake in the evening with an automobile truck and took the damaged car home. He said that this was the second accident his machine had been in within ten days.