Born: 1841
Died: 1909
Married: Alfred N. Skiff
Children: Lewis P. Skiff (1871–1931), William F. Skiff (1872–1943), Clarence A. Skiff (1879–1927)
Mary E. Skiff
Malone Farmer, March 3, 1909
Feb. 27 – Again it is our duty to record another death in this community. Mrs. Mary E. Skiff was laid to rest in Union Cemetery on Monday last. The funeral service was held in the M. E. church, Rev. Mr. Hill officiating. Mrs. Skiff will be greatly missed. She leaves husband, one daughter and three sons. She was a sister of the late Henry Paye. She was ill only five days, pneumonia being the fatal disease. Her sorrowing friends have the sincere sympathy of all who know them. Mrs. Skiff was 68 years of age.
Rev. Scobie, an evangelist has been holding services for two weeks in the M. E. church. His daughter was with him and assisted in the services with her singing.