Matthew Annsley. Caption on back reads, "To my dear Minnie and Harold." Courtesy of Carole Shields.Born: Late 1880s
Died: 1952
Matthew Annsley came to Ray Brook Sanatorium as a patient in November 1927.
Information and photos provided by Carole Shields in September 2016. Matthew Annsley was her father's step-father.
Matthew on the porch at Ray Brook Sanatorium. Caption on back reads, "...3rd chair from left, on the left hand side. Nov. 6 1927." Courtesy of Carole Shields.
Ray Brook Sanatorium. Caption on back reads, "How would you like this. Nov. 6 1927." Courtesy of Carole Shields.
Matthew (center right on far side of table) with other unidentified patients at an unidentified event. Courtesy of Carole Shields.
Matthew (far right) at Ray Brook Sanatorium. Caption on back reads, "For my dear mother in law. Mrs. Adam Fox." Courtesy of Carole Shields.
A snowy path at Ray Brook Sanatorium. Caption on the back reads, "This is the path I go after the mail. Taken Nov. 6 1927." Courtesy of Carole Shields.