Born: 7 January 1854
Died: 1 December 1934 in Southampton, Long Island, NY
Married: Charles Rapallo Henderson, Sr.
Children: Beatrix Frances Henderson [Robb], Janet Louise Henderson, Charles R. Henderson Jr. , Nathalie Henderson [Swan]
Jeanie Barham North Henderson, wife of New York banker Charles Rapallo Henderson, donated funds for the gymnasium and its equipment at the Boys' Club in memory of her son, Charles R. Henderson Jr. Although the Hendersons owned a summer place in Southampton, Long Island, they also rented the Whitton camp on Upper St. Regis Lake starting in 1898, probably because their only son had contracted tuberculosis in New York City. Charles Jr. died suddenly in 1912, intestate, and his mother and sisters inherited his house, the Henderson Cottage, which eventually became the property of his unmarried sister, Janet Louise Henderson. Mrs. Henderson died in Southampton in 1934 and is buried in the Henderson family plot there, as is Charles Rapallo Henderson, Jr. and his wife, Nathalie Henderson [Swan].
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 1934
Death Claims Mrs. Henderson Tuesday, Dec. 11
Mrs. Charles R. Henderson, donor of the gymnasium at the Boys' club, now the Armory, and a benefactor of the Society for the Control of Tuberculosis and many local charities, died Tuesday at her home in Southampton.
Mrs. Henderson's son, the late Charles R. Henderson, Jr., was a health seeker in Saranac Lake for many years and in 1910 built the residence at 154 Park Avenue, which his sister, Miss Janet Henderson, occupied regularly each winter through 1932.
Mr. Henderson, Jr., was extremely interested in charitable and civic here and was one of the founders of the Society for the Control of Tuberculosis of which he was the first executive secretary, serving in that capacity as a self-imposed civic duty despite ill health. He passed away in 1912 at the home of his friend and intimate, Dr. J. Woods Price.
His mother at that time gave the boys' club gymnasium, the building in which it was housed having been built by Walter Cluett. When the boys' club was turned over to the Home Guard, funds netted were given to the tuberculosis society.
Mrs. Henderson, Sr., passed away at her summer [home], "White Caps," built more than 50 years ago at Southampton by her husband, who died in 1907. Owing to her illness she was unable to leave Southampton at the end of the summer.
Mrs. Henderson, who was a member of the Colony Club of New York, is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Henderson Robb, Mrs. Joseph R. Swan, and Miss Janet Henderson of New York. Mrs. Henderson's New York home was at 27 East Sixty-fifth street.
Isn't Nathalie Henderson (Swan) the sister of Charles, Jr.?
2011-01-17 09:45:15 To clarify, is the Charles who died intestate Sr. or Jr.? —MaryHotaling