Lake Placid News, November 29, 1935
Lake Placid News, June 5, 1936
Lake Placid News, July 5, 1940 The Mt. Baker Club, renamed the Floridel Club, c. 1939, was a speakeasy/nightclub at the foot of Mt. Baker on Moody Pond. In 1934, the proprietor was Al Weidner, and the manager was Russ Kelly. 1 In 1935, the manager was Joseph Garbaccio. In 1940, the managers were Mr. and Mrs. Riddle.
See also: 119 Forest Hill Avenue
Lake Placid News, June 5, 1936
The Mt. Baker club on the Moody Pond road near Saranac Lake is presenting special entertainment features this week. The management has signed Beverly King, the sensational dancer of the stage musical comedy, "Strike Me Pink," which had a run of nine months on Broadway. Miss King was also a featured artist in the Paradise Club in New York for 20 weeks.
Her sister, Lena King, a tap dancer and singer also is featured at the club this week. Her act comes to a spectacular end in the "Savage Dance." This act is the first of a series of premier entertainment to be offered at the Mt. Baker club, according to the management. Music for dancing is provided by the Mt. Baker trio. Roads to the resort are in excellent condition.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, 1939, as reprinted April 22, 2017, in a display ad:
OPENING--For Summer Season With a New Band and Entertainment
Come--See and Hear
Dance to the Music of the Biggest Little Band in Dixie
Radio's Favorite Singers & Comedians in Person
Dick Shelly, Helen Lowe (Singer), Earl Davis, George (Dusty) Rhodes, Burt (Lord Help Us) Reeves
You don't have to dance to our music. Just get on and Ride.
FLORIDEL CLUB (Formerly Mt. Baker Club)
Moody Pond Road, Saranac Lake, Phone 1585
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, October 2, 1969
Mt. Baker Club operated there [on Moody Pond] with delightful abandon featuring girlie shows from Montreal and a healthy sprinkling of semi-mobsters hiding out from prohibition day vengeance.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 12, 1962
Mt. Baker Club was announcing its opening in 1933 under the supervision of Al Weidner. It was located on the Moody Pond Road, had choice foods and legal beverages and a "red hot orchestra", whose name the ad failed to mention.
1. Lake Placid News, September 28, 1934