Park Lane is a one-block street near the west end of Circle Street, cutting through a long block to connect Park Avenue to Baker Street. This street has no addresses on it and was formerly known as "Little Baker Street."
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 20, 1953
No Name Street Debate Prompts 'Debate St.'
"DeBate Street" is one of the new suggestions received as a name for "No Name Street". That came from Mrs. J. Ray Bell, of 4 Jenkins street, Saranac Lake.
And from Tupper Lake, Mrs. Katherine Mussen White writes: "A thought occurred to me for an appropriate name. One must know the old history of this section to see why I suggest "Brown Street". Hundreds of acres along Mt. Pisgah from what is now Upper Broadway through Park avenue and Baker street, were owned years ago by my great uncle, Marshall Brown, my father's uncle, for whom he was named. My father was Marshall Mussen and was born in Saranac Lake in 1871. His parents' old homestead where he was born was sold to Henry Pedroni upon the death of my grandparents. The Pedronis still live there at 246 Broadway. Alice Brown Garwood and Katherine Brown Potter were nieces of Marshall Brown and oldtime residents. I was born and raised in your village so I know plenty about 'old' Saranac Lake and I still keep in touch with it daily."
From Mike Tierney, of Ray Brook, comes this letter: "Finding a name for 'No Name Street' has caused lots of interest for your readers. The first to come to my mind was Woodruff Street, named for Dr. Woodruff, of course, but since there is already a street by that name, how about Merkel Street.
"Dr. Merkel has contributed more than his share of his time and talents toward the well-being of the people of Saranac Lake — far more than the people know about. So why not show appreciation for this great humanitarian by naming this street after him?
Another name for "No Name" was suggested by H. Ray Williams, of 44 Church street, Saranac Lake.
"Why not call it Colyer Lane"? Mr. Williams asks. "In memory of Worthie E. Colyer who passed away in Saranac Lake in 1934. For many years he owned 74 and 76 Park ave., and two lots in the rear of each facing Baker street. He was boosting for Park avenue., when most of us thought of that section as a farm. He also was a Village Trustee for one term about 1928 or 1930." Mr. Williams added, "This name is short and easy to pronounce and remember."