The new High School on Petrova, 1928
Petrova Elementary and the Middle School, 2010
1933 Canaras: "X-ray equipment is yearly brought to the high school from the Trudeau Foundation by a specialist who, with the assistance of Miss Caroline O'Brien, the health teacher, X-rays the lungs of all the students."
Track meet at Petrova, 1930s (Note high jumper, mid-jump, center). This field is where the present faculty parking and bus circle is located, before the LaPan Highway was built. (Courtesy of Priscilla Christine Mackay Goss)
Saranac Lake marching band at a football game (undated)
1939 Canaras: The uncoached and unprepared ski-team of 1935-36 accepted Northwood's challenge to a meet. They didn't come home with garlands on their shoulders, nor crowns on their heads, but they did come back with the resolution to organize, and to bring fame to themselves not only as individuals, but as an organization that our school could be proud of. This year their dreams came true and after hectic weeks of waiting for good skiing weather, on February 27, 1937, the ski-team, consisting of such able veterans as Dave "Tarzan" Blanchet, Ben "Shoulders" Downs, "Bill" Cantwell, Howard Thompson, and "Bill" Distin, traveled to their arch-enemies' skiing grounds and came home—victorious. — The different events have claimed their own heroes from among the team. The most outstanding were Dave for his capture of the Slalom event; Benny for his victorious flight to fame from the Placid Jump; and Cantwell for his undaunted speed down the Mt. Whitney Run. Thompson and Distin, although they claimed no first places, raised the team's standard by attaining many seconds and thirds. — As only three members are being lost by graduation, next year's team should be a fine one, for around a nucleus of the veteran skiers that remain, may be built a really first class team. Address: 141 Petrova Avenue
Old Address: Petrova Avenue
Other names:
Year built: 1925 with additions in 1937, 1970, and 1999.
Architect: William G. Distin
The Petrova School was Saranac Lake's second high school. The original Saranac Lake High School, founded in 1890, was dedicated by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison. 1
In 1925, a new school was built on Petrova Avenue at a cost of $650,000, that housed kindergarten through grade twelve. 2
In 1968 a new Saranac Lake High School was built half a mile west of the Petrova school at a cost of nearly $4,000,000; the Petrova school continued to serve grades one through eight.
The SLHS class of 1969 was the last senior class to spend the entire school year at Petrova School (Sept. 1968 to June 1969). The SLHS class of 1970 began their senior year at the Petrova School and moved to the new SLHS in November 1969.
From an undated, unidentified news clipping, probably the Enterprise, from a scrapbook kept by John G. Coogan during his school years.
Few Changes in Prospect For Next Year in Instruction Staff Here; Changes Are Made in Duties Outlined
Teachers in the Saranac Lake public schools this week have had under consideration their contracts for the school year of 1931-32 following action of the board of education recently on recommendations of the superintendent, H. V. Littell.
Signed contracts are to be returned to the board on or before April 2, at which time will be determined how extensive the changes in the school organization are to be.
One resignation, that of Miss Alice Ferriss as mathematics teacher in the high school, was received before the special meeting last Friday night at which the board took action on the recommendations.
The question of continuing to maintain a special librarian has also been raised, and this matter was placed on the table for further consideration.
Salaries provided in the new contracts include increases called for by state laws except in the cases of teachers whose salaries have reached maximum figures.
Following are those to whom contracts were offered and the salaries provided:
Eileen Benham, Sr., H. S. Principal | 3000 | |
Margaret Seymour, Jr. H. S. Principal | 3000 | |
Ruby Baker, mathematics | 2000 | |
Laurine Carpenter, math., Latin | 1700 | |
Sarah V. Carr, art | 2200 | |
Alice Creighton, writing | 2000 | |
Marjorie Curtin, latin | 2200 | |
Elizabeth deLisle, coml. | 1925 | |
Catherine Carey, homemaking | 2200 | |
Loraine Dickert, homemaking | 1600 | |
Christine Drude, music | 1700 | |
G. Antoinette Dutcher, public speaking | 2200 | |
Willard Green, inst music | 2200 | |
Mary E. Gremore, English | 2200 | |
Helen J. Ives, English, | 1700 | |
Ralph Johnson, industrial | 2700 | |
Rath Knapp, French | 1800 | |
Grace Lacey, history | 2200 | |
Charles R. Ladd, science | 2800 | |
Herman Lare, industrial | 2900 | |
Caroline O'Brian, health | 2200 | |
Lucille Rathbun, phys. edu., girls | 2200 | |
Mary H. Reed, geography | 2200 | |
Francis W. Rotsell, ind. | 2300 | |
Richard Shaver, ind. | 2700 | |
Malcolm Sterling, science | 2700 | |
Lucy Stone, arithmetic | 2200 | |
Grace Taylor, history | 2200 | |
Ednah M. Thomas, Eng. | 2200 | |
Helen Walsh, Eng. & arith. | 2200 | |
Adelaide White, coml | 1700 | |
Kenneth Wilson, physical education | 3000 | |
coach | 500 | |
Louise Wilson, Spanish & French | 1975 | |
Dr. C. H. Haskins, medical inspector | 2000 | |
Lois Wilson, dental hygientist | 1800 | |
Broadway School | ||
Florence Fullerton, princ, 6th grade | 1850 | |
Esther McCormick, 5th grade | 1575 | |
Catherine Navin, 4th grade | 1750 | |
Grace Helms, 3rd grade | 1750 | |
Agnes Finnegan, 2nd grade | 1750 | |
Lena Greene, 1st grade | 1750 | |
Petrova Avenue School | ||
Hazel Pattinson, princ, 6th grade | 1850 | |
Marguerite Fairbanks, 5th gr. | 1600 | |
Halcyon Buck, 4th grade | 1750 | |
Anna Brunet, 3rd grade | 1525 | |
Harriet Ellis, 2nd grade | 1750 | |
Ruby Stevens, 1st grade | 1750 | |
Patricia Halloran, special | 1700 | |
River Street School | ||
Edna Cooke, princ, 6th gr. | 1850 | |
Elise Premo, 5th grade | 1525 | |
Marjorie Reed, 4th grade | 1750 | |
Marion H. Amo, 3rd grade | 1750 | |
Lilian Ryan, 2nd grade | 1150 | |
Kathryn Starr, 1st grade | 1750 | |
Fresh Air School | ||
Gertrude Seymour, | 2000 | |
Unclassified | ||
William Davidson, clerk of board | 3500 | |
Esther T. Mirick, secretary of supt. | 1800 |
Petrova school dedication. Photocopy courtesy of Jim Clark
Petrova school dedication. Photocopy courtesy of Jim ClarkFrom an undated, unidentified news clipping, probably the Enterprise, from a scrapbook kept by John G. Coogan during his school years.
Through error the salary of Willard Greene, teacher of instrumental music at Saranac Lake High school was given as $2200 instead of $2700 on the list of contracts published yesterday offered teachers in the local schools for the next school year.
The name of H. V. Littell, superintendent, was omitted from the list. The school board voted his reinstatement at a salary of $5,200 per year, representing an increase of $200.
It was also announced at the school office today that at the last regular board meeting held Monday night Stanley J. Appleyard, chairman of the board, and Col. Kenneth Gardner, trustee, were made a budget committee to prepare the financial plans for the school year 1931-32.
An invitation was sent the board of trustees of the Ray Brook school district to meet with the Saranac Lake board next week Thursday discuss the question of tuition to be charged pupils attending the school here from that district.
Mr. Greene was given permission to attend a conference of instrumental music teachers held in Utica the last three days of this week.
From an unidentified news clipping, probably the Enterprise, from a scrapbook kept by John G. Coogan during his school years.
January 5, 1931
Dinner Arranged by Education Board Attended by 160 Admirers of Red and White League Champions
Saranac Lake as a community acknowledged the honor that has been brought to this village by the Saranac Lake high school football team, which this past season brought home the championship of the Adirondack Interscholastic league for the sixth successive year, when 160 representative citizens gathered at a banquet Saturday night at the Hotel Saranac given by the board of education.
Tribute to the team's prowess was paid by several speakers who lauded the players for their sportsmanship, clean playing, courage, harmonious and cooperative spirit. At the same time while praises of the boys who made up the 1930 team were being sung, one of the prominent players of the football team of the three preceding years who passed to the great beyond only a few days ago was not forgotten. The [??]er was Harris H. Ryan of Lake Clear, who died of accidental suffocation in an automobile accident on New Year's Eve.
Col. Kenneth Gardner, member of the board of education, spoke feelingly of Ryan's character and his ability in all school and other activities.
Colonel Gardner told the football team assembled before him that while victory in contests is important, the playing of a clean game was of far greater importance and should be the first thought of all in their minds.
Kenneth Wilson, coach of the six title winning teams, said he was proud of his players and was immensely pleased with the willing spirit of cooperation and harmony they showed throughout the season. He mentioned the fact that Saranac Lake high only had three veterans left from the 1929 team and how of the players who came out for the team this fall never had been in a football game before, and were willing to work and fight hard to win a place on the eleven and help their school.
The coach also expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Student's association of the high school and the board of education for their effort in supplying the football team with splendid equipment, and to the townspeople for the support given all school athletics.
Dr. J. C. Russell, president of the local board of education a number of years ago, also spoke briefly and told the diners how he and his fellow members of the board in 1907 felt the need of a proper field for athletic contests and how the board in office at that time had been instrumental in getting the site where the high school now stands.
Dr. Edward N. Packard, president of the school board, acted as toastmaster and introduced the speakers. The dinner was featured by the singing of three popular songs by Joseph Asselta, tenor. He sang "Dream," "Wasn't It Nice?" and "Sa-lu-ta" accompanied at the piano by Mrs. T. J. Meury.
The high school orchestra played throughout the dinner, much to the enjoyment of the crowd, and for the dancing which followed. The military airs and other peppy numbers by the orchestra were well done, and the music also came in for some compliments at the hands of the toastmaster and the speakers. Willard Green led the musicians.
At the conclusion of the speaking the roll of the 1930 championship football team was called and as each of the 14 players who had won their letters in this sport heard his name, he stood up to receive from Colonel Gardner a miniature gold football with his name engraved upon it along with an appropriate message. This was a gift from the board of education.
The three managers of the football team, Emil Matthews, Irving Edelberg and Leonard Berwick, were also praised for their excellent work this year, and Colonel Gardner stated that the board felt they had also done their job so well that they ought to be given miniature gold footballs along with the players.
The players who received the awards were: Howard Malone, end and captain of the sixth championship team; Hayward Plumadore, tackle; Lawrence Griffin, guard; Leonard Ryan, center; Harold Middleton, guard; Theron Lobdell, tackle; Leonard Morgan, end; Edward Plummer, quarterback; Robert Dorlon, halfback; Ronald Bishop, fullback; Walter Herron halfback; Earl Minney, guard; Neil McCarthy, guard; and Bernard Murphy, end and back.
Lake Placid News, February 4, 1937
School Addition Given Approval
The six-room addition to the Saranac Lake high school was approved last week by the PWA and announced ready for occupancy. The addition was built under the direction of Moore Parland and Reinhardt, PWA engineers and with the contractors, L. F. Murtagh, Carson Brothers and William C. Shackett. A final inspection of the building was made by the engineers, contractors and Clerk Walter Noble of the board of education. The building will house the fresh air school which was formerly in River street in a small frame building. The annex is three stories high and encloses six rooms. The school district's share of the cost was $23,000 while the PWA granted $18,000 for the project.
1944 Saranac Lake High School football team. Back row: William Hall, William McGrain, Philip Hammond, Robert Pederson, Howard Harvey, George Rankin, William Mulflur, Gordon Tyler, Coach Ken Wilson. Middle row: Austin Gowan, Robert Dupree, Jack Peightal, John Fitzpatrick, Nathaniel Oddy, Raymond Cassavaugh, Richard Newell, Clyde Baker, Herbert Turner. Front row: George Garrant, Timothy Sweet, John Harrigan, Benjamin Muncil, Edward Mullen, Wayne Sweet, Francis Pelkey. 33 Petrova Avenue is in the background. Adirondack Daily Enterprise, October 2, 2010
Saranac Lake High School football team (undated)
The following students from Saranac Lake High School were listed in the National Directory of Honor Students in U.S. Secondary Schools, Special Section, April Returns, 1955:
- Jerrald Cherrier (12); apparently 12th graders
- Mary Ann Clancy
- Carolyn Claremont
- William Daunais
- Patricia Dyer
- Kenneth Hoyt
- David Merkel
- Barbara Myers
- Emily St. Clair
- Donald Stone
- Lorn Buxton (11); apparently 11th graders
- Ann Heck
- Lillian Hoyt
- Barbara Kimpton
- Joyce King
- Janet Merkel
- Gail Myers
- Grace Nesbitt
- Marilyn Petty
- Joan Rork
- William Steenken
- Beatrice Waller
- Emily Woodruff
- Carolyn Baxter (10); apparently 10th graders
- Mary Lynne Campbell
- Margot Cord
- Irene Dyer
- Ellen George
- Myrna O'Neill
- Gail Rogers
1933 Graduates of Saranac Lake High School. Adirondack Daily Enterprise, June 22, 2013 Saranac Lake High School Class of 1933:
- Ruth Alexander
- Fred Allnutt
- Jack Backes
- Orman Bomyea
- Gladys Bordeau
- Sybil Bouvia
- Alvin Brown
- Dorothy Brown
- Thomas Cantwell
- Pearl Carter
- Adelaide Clancy
- James Clark
- Edgar Crary
- Ralph Daunais
- William Davidson
- Muriel Dietz
- Margaret Drew
- Owen Duffy
- Mitchell Dukett
- Lila Duprea
- Sehon Dyer
- Elisabeth Evans
- Isabelle Finlayson
- Rita Finnegan
- Harry Fridman
- Nellie Gallagher
- Marjorie Gallaway
- Margaret Gardner
- Randall Gardner
- Edward Goetz
- William Hayes
- William Hesse
- Wilson Hewitt
- Eleanor Kaminsky
- Lillian Kaslo
- Audrey Kilroy
- Dorothy Knapp
- Katherine Latour
- Irene LaVallee
- Fay Loomis
- Catherine Madden
- Thomas McDonald
- Donald Meehan
- Elizabeth Meury
- Lionel Miller
- Loren Miller
- Earl Minney
- Maurice Moody
- James Morford
- Bernard Mullen
- Chester Park
- Ezekiel Perkins
- Carl Peters
- Hayward Plumadore
- Geroge [sic: George] Rockrise
- Anna Rose
- Florence Siebel
- Clarence Smith
- Helen Smith
- George Sprague
- Neil St. Andrew
- Hortense Sweet
- Ruth Towner
- Harry Traynor
- Eulalie Vincent
- Rachel Vivelamour
- Merle Walker
- Bessie Weinstock
- Wendon Wilcox
- Orville Wilson
1934 Graduates
- James Bellows, President
- Mary Conners, Vice-President
- Leah Sweet, Secretary-Treasurer
- Ella Winifred Allnutt
- Anne Elizabeth Beardsley
- James William Bellows
- John Paul Benvenuto
- Donald Edgar Bousquet
- Lawrence Homer Boyer
- Ramon Burleigh
- John Paul Clancy
- Marie Theresa Clancy
- Oliver William Clark
- James Murdock Collins
- Helen Jane Colyer
- Karl Francis Connors
- Mary Marguerite Connors
- Hubert Joseph Darrah
- Ingrid E. Delfs
- Winifred Mary Diver
- Helen Rita Donnelly
- Thelma Fern Doty
- Kathryn Cornelia Duprea
- William Frederick Duquette, Jr.
- Arthur Stanford Dysinger
- George William Ecenbarger
- Roxana Eliza Farnsworth
- Roy Cecil Finn
- Lois Fitzgerald
- Robert Charles Flanders
- Jane Lydia Flanders
- Edna Florence Folsom
- Barbara Gardner
- Elizabeth Gardner
- Walter James Gaughn
- Lillian Beatrice Gemo
- Mary Alice Gera
- Jean Harriet Gibney
- Lehaland James Gillmett
- Dorothy Josephine Graeves
- E. Harrison Hallock, Jr.
- Curzon Penn Howe
- Wilbur Eugene La May
- Ernest Alfred La Vallee
- Mary Isabelle Leary
- Eleanor Laura Leib
- Mabel Ermina Lester
- Dorothy Eveline Lezak
- Clarence Elmer Lyeth
- Leander John Martin
- Kenneth McCasland
- Mary Anne Murphy
- Cora Jane Newell
- Elizabeth Anne Nutter
- Walter Henry Nutter, Jr.
- Janette Elisabeth Oldfield
- Horatio Nelson Otis
- (sic: Pandolph?)
- Roberta Ratcliffe Park
- Reba Jean Prellwitz
- Gerald Earl Rice
- Catherine Rhoda Rogers
- Jeanette Rothenberg
- Carl Joseph Ryan
- Gladys Marie Ryan
- Leonard Arthur Ryan
- Shirley Elise Ryan
- Mary Elizabeth Sampson
- Alvin Joseph Skeels
- Edwin Stiles Smith
- Ruth Dorothy Sporn
- Helene Dorothy Stearns
- Rita Catherine Stearns
- August Francis Stunzi
- Mary Leah Sweet
- Harvey Ancel Swinyer
- Lillian Gertrude Thompson
- James Henry Titus
- Frances Anastasia Took
- Violet Elizabeth Tormey
- Ralph Joseph Van Cour
- Freda Vidaver
- Mary Janet Walker
- Curtis L. Wamsganz
- Eva Weinstock
- Bernice Mary Wheeler
- James Alonzo White
- George John Ziggs
Saranac Lake High School Class of 1963
Those pictured in the Enterprise on October 7, 2013, attending their 50th class reunion were:
Mary Muzzy (Baron) | |
Andrea DeMattos (Gibson) | Nancy Septer (James) |
Carol Donaldson (Howes) | Diana Sochia (Hill) |
Joseph Falvey | Sally Burrell (Stephenson) |
Eileen Fanning | Mel Thomas |
Lynn Hayes (Owre) | Jeff Whisher |
Faith Williams (Loundgren) | |
William “Bill” Jacobs | Georgia Williams (Beardsley) |
Bill Jandrew | |
See also
Canaras, the yearbook
Red and White, the school paper
1. Dora, Donna and Mildred Keough, eds., A Past To Remember, A Future to Mold, Saranac Lake: The Chamber. 2001
2. Duquette, Ruth, "Saranac Lake Schools", unpublished manuscript D946, Adirondack Research Room, Saranac Lake Free Library