• Add tips by changing the page "Quick Wiki Tips".
  • Check out the Wanted Pages for a list of pages that have been linked but not yet created.
  • For a full list of pages in the wiki, check All Pages.
  • Orphaned Pages is a list of pages no pages link to (lonely little pages).
  • Wanted Pages is a list of pages that have not been created yet, but that have links from other articles.
  • Preview before you click "Save Changes." Every save is backed up, so previewing avoids clutter. But don't forget to save when you're done!
  • Want to keep a list of pages you like and easily see when they change? Then use Bookmarks.
  • Have Firefox or Mozilla? Then you should
  • Have a large image for a page? Use thumbnails for a smaller version and a nicer layout.
  • Pressing 'clear observed changes' in Recent Changes will show you only changes since you last pressed 'clear observed changes'
  • On Recent Changes, use "clear observed changes" to keep on top of the amount of changes you see .
  • You can see what edits a user has made by clicking the "Info" button on the user's page and then the "User's Info" tab.