Born: August 30, 1854
Died: 1928
Married: Augusta Zug
Children: Martin Zug Bentley, Richard McCurdy Bentley, Robert Bentley, Jr.
Robert Bentley was an iron magnate. He built Camp Canaras on Upper Saranac Lake in 1913.
ROBERT BENTLEY, president of the Ohio Iron and Steel Company, and also of the Carbon Limestone Company, is one of the leading business citizens of Youngstown. He is closely identified with many of its important interests and may be taken as a typical representative of its commercial integrity. He was born in Youngstown, Ohio,
August 30, 1854, and is a son of Martin and Mary (McCurdy) Bentley... The mother of Robert Bentley, who was reared and educated in Youngstown, Ohio, is a woman of superior qualities of mind, identified with the various charities of the city, and one of the first promoters of the City Hospital; she was also the founder of the first Woman's Club of Youngstown. She resides at No. 725 Bryan street. Her parents, Dr. Robert and Eliza McCurdy, were born in Ireland, of Scotch-Irish ancestry. Dr. McCurdy came to the United States in 1843, and settled on a small farm near Crab Creek, Mahoning County. By his first marriage he had three daughters, Isabella, Catherine and Elizabeth, all of whom are now deceased. By his second marriage his children were: Mary, mother of the subject of this sketch; John, a prominent physician at Youngstown; Robert, deceased, a sketch of whom will be found in this volume; William and Thomas H., both deceased; and Samuel H. The mother of Mrs. Bentley died at the age of 35 years.
Four children were born to Martin Bentley and his wife: James, who died in infancy, Robert, Eliza Henry, and John Martin. Robert Bentley was married October 16, 1895, to Augusta F. Zug, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They have two sons, Robert Bentley, Jr., and Martyn Zug Bentley. Eliza Henry, the only daughter, is a graduate of Vassar College, and for two years was a teacher in the Raven School at Youngstown. She is identified with the development of institutions connected with the welfare of the city. She married Rev. O. V. Stewart, a prominent Presbyterian minister, who died November 12, 1894. Their two sons are: Robert Bentley Stewart and James Wilbur Stewart. John Martin, the youngest son, is assistant auditor of the Carnegie Steel Company, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and resides in that city, together with his wife and two children, Harry Bentley and Josephine Bentley. The family belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Socially prominent, their beautiful home at No. 718 Wick Avenue, is one of the most hospitable in the city. In political sentiment, Mr. Bentley is a Republican.