Sam Marks cured successfully for TB in Saranac Lake. His granddaughter, Rose Marks-Scott visited in 2016. She sent this scan, saying, "Attached is a scan of the letter pertaining to my grandfather's stay at what became the Will Rogers Hospital. That is what I understood from my father's telling of the story. In 1934 my father was only 18 and his mother had died two years earlier. The letter shows the reference to Al Jolson paying for the grant. Some of the family settled on the west coast and had some connections with the entertainment industry. That may have led to the contact with Al Jolson. My grandfather did survive the TB.
The letter is addressed to a Mr. "M" Marks, who may have been her uncle Morris. She says, "My Uncle Morris may have been the contact with the California family and he lived in Brooklyn. I guess it is possible that my grandfather's stay may have been listed as M instead of S Marks."