Franklin Gazette, August 9, 1895
Frank Brown, of Saranac Lake, whose examination before Police Justice Earle, was adjourned last week, as noted in these columns, was again brought before the court on Saturday and was permitted to plead guilty to petit larceny. He. was fined $25 to stand committed until paid.
Ticonderoga Sentinel, March 6, 1902
Shooting Affair at Saranac Lake.
Dr. John C. Russell, President of the village of Saranac Lake, was shot by Chief of Police of the same village, John Lapan, last Friday evening. The Board of Health, Town Board and village officers were in session in the office of the village clerk when the affair happened. It is alleged that Lapan fired three shots in quick succession at Dr. Russell. One bullet struck his watch and glancing off caused merely a flesh wound, and then fell into his watch pocket. Another cut his watch chain in two. Each of these two bullets, had it not been for the watch and chain, would have caused death. The only one to take effect was the first one fired, which passed through Russell’s wrist and grazed Dr. C. F. Wicker's leg. After the third shot, Lapan instantly gave up his revolver, saying: “I am through with it. He will die, and so will I, for I have taken enough laudanum to kill six men.” Lapan was taken to the jail, where he recovered, after the doctors had worked over him until night. He has been taken to Malone to await trial.
Plattsburgh Republican, September 30, 1905
The Saranac Lake police have been instructed to enforce the ordinance against expectorating on the streets. Loafing on bridges and corners will be done away with and all noises which disturb the quiet of the night. Saranac Lake is a health resort and it to essential that invalids be allowed to sleep.
Malone Palladium, March 15, 1906
Arthur Wood, the Saranac Lake policeman, who has been suspended by the board of trustees of that village pending an investigation into the charges made against him by a clerk in Duffy Bros', meat market, which are to the effect that Wood received meat from the market unknown to the proprietors and without paying for the same, has retained Attorney R. M. Moore, of Malone, to care for his interests in the proceedings of an investigation. Wood claims he is innocent of the crime alleged.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, July 5, 1907
Malone has adopted the Saranac Lake system of calling the police by a red light at night.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, October 8, 1909
The Saranac Lake police have been instructed to keep the Main St. sidewalks clear of loiterers evenings and Sundays.
Malone Farmer, December 29, 1909
James Freeman, formerly of Constable, who has also gone by the names of John Jennings and George Nelson is in trouble again; having been arrested at Lake Clear Wednesday, after passing, it is said, bogus checks totaling $100 on three business men In Saranac Lake. As he was also wanted in Watertown on a similar charge he was held for the Watertown authorities to whom he was to be turned over by the Saranac Lake police if Freeman's swindling in that city was found to be greater than at Saranac Lake…
Ticonderoga Sentinel, May 26, 1910
Taken From Freight Train Between Saranac Lake and Montreal. Returning from Horsehoes [sic] Monday because they feared to stay in that region, James Moody, Elias McManus and John Betters, fishermen, reported the find of a packet containing 148 uncured Persian lamb skins. Chief of Police Brennan of Saranac Lake went to the place and brought back the skins, which proved to have been stolen from a Mohawk & Malone freight train in March while on the way from New York to Montreal They were shipped to a Montreal firm, which claimed damages when the skins failed to arrive. The consignee secured $1,300 from the railroad company. The Saranac Lake men found fresh tracks about the packet, and feared shooting at the hands of those who stole the skins.
Tupper Lake Herald, November 29, 1912
Hide Near Saranac Lake Lumber Camp, and One Surrenders When Half Frozen
Saranac Lake, Nov. 27.—While Chief of Police Brennan and two officers sought to arrest Joseph and Roland Gordon, in their boarding place here early last Friday for the robbery of a jewelry store in Lake Placid, the brothers leaped from their window, clad only in pajamas, exchanged shots with the policemen and fled into the woods nearby.
The officers trailed then for a short distance by pieces of gold jewelry they dropped. When the trail was lost a larger posse, after several hours' work, ran them down in Hall's lumber camp, seven miles away, through the woods and mountains.
They found Joseph, halt frozen with cut and bleeding feet, hidden in a haystack. He was so weak he surrendered without resistance. Roland is thought to have hidden in the camp. He is armed, the officers are waiting for cold and hunger to force him to surrender.
Potsdam Commercial Advertiser, July 8, 1913
Efforts of a number of automobilists to run away with the speed records for Saranac Lake streets, have started the police on a campaign to enforce the traffic ordinance. On a number of streets markers have been placed and every now and then stop watches are held on autoists passing at speed. The police are also passing out warning to visitors and others not supposed to be familiar with the ordinance, desiring to give them fair warning. An example will soon be made, however, the police say, unless the speeding on village streets is stopped.
Lake Placid News, June 25, 1915
The raid on a Chinese laundry in Saranac Lake, made by the police at 2 o'clock in the morning, resulted the arrest of two girls, found hiding under tubs in the laundry.
Ogdensburg Journal, December 18, 1915
Heads Go Off With Startling Suddenness at Trustees' Meeting.
Saranac Lake, Dec. 18.—The heads of three police officers fell with startling suddenness at the single stroke of the executioner. Dr. Lawrason Brown, at the meeting of the village board of trustees held on Tuesday evening. There were no charges, no discussions and no opportunity for an officer to make any defense. Likewise, commendatory remarks for years of service on the force were as scarce as blue diamonds. In short, it was a bloodless operation. Dr. Brown said that he would like to move that the clerk be instructed to notify the members of the police force that their services would not be required after the first of January. The motion was seconded by Trustee Steel and carried.
It came like a bolt out of a clear sky, this termination of a situation in the policing of the village which has been under discussion for some months, and was perhaps as remarkable a climax, if not the most remarkable climax, of the administration of the village in the last ten or fifteen years. It was the one big moment of 500 meetings of village trustees. The decapitation of three police officers, the annihilation of the entire Saranac Lake police force had occupied nine minutes, three minutes for each officer.
The officers affected by the action are Chief H. H. Finnegan, Officer E. J. English and Officer Martin. In the action taken there did not appear to be any consideration for the period of time which the men have given to their office, or any consideration of the qualifications of one officer over another.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, January 4, 1916
Discharged Policemen are Town Constables and Have Custody of Lock-Up Which Village Uses.
The Saranac Lake police muddle growing out of the discharge of the entire police force by the village trustees without charges having been preferred against the officers and without giving the men an opportunity to defend themselves has placed the village without a lock-up in which prisoners arrested by members of the new force can be committed pending trial before the Justice of the peace in that village. The lock-up which located in the town hall in the village of Saranac Lake, is owned by the town of Harrietstown, and the dismissed policemen are constables of that town while the new policemen are not. The constables have the keys of the lock-up and they are instructed by the other town officers not to turn them over to the new police.
The Adirondack Enterprise, published at Saranac Lake, has taken sides with the dismissed officersm and in its issue of last Friday had the following regarding the jail question:
“The jail question brings up a very ludicrous feature of the sweeping change which four trustees would make in the Saranac Lake police force.
“As the four trustees will be without a jail in which to incarcerate the wrong-doers and offenders, any one of the following situations is possible:
“Dr. Lawrason Brown will tie the prisoners to his sun dial, or
“P. H. Ryan will jail the prisoners arrested by the new night watch n his green house, or
“W. H. Steel will confine the man or woman in the street flusher, of which he was once perhaps the last admirer in the village, or
“D. R. Foster will store the prisoners in his warehouse or keep them on the move in a freight car, or
“Nightwatch R. J. Malone will mount guard over them in his automobile while camping out on some of his real estate on Mount Pisgah.”
Ticonderoga Sentinel, June 22, 1916
Edmund Horton, said to be the World's champion hurdler on ice skates, has become a motorcycle patrolman on Saranac Lake's police force.
Ogdensburg Republican-Journal, August 15, 1916
Theodore S. Van Veghteh of Albany; the State car license inspector, was in Saranac Lake looking, over the license condition. Mr. Van Veghteh was greatly pleased with the manner in which the traffic regulations are enforced in Saranac Lake. He praised the police force highly for their efforts in regulating the traffic and said that Saranac Lake is far ahead of the other towns which he has visited. He was in town for two hours before he found anyone driving a car without a license. During that time he stopped every car which he saw.
In all day he only found six drivers without a license. One of these was a bus from Keene. There was not a driver found without a license who is engaged in carrying passengers. Although he hunted all evening Mr. Van Veghten was unable to find an automobile without all its lights lighted. Mr. Van Veghten said a town with traffic conditions like those of Saranac Lake is to be congratulated.
Lake Placid News, July 20, 1917
Troubles in the police department at Saranac Lake during the last few months, revolving about Chief of Police Walter Weir, came to a focus at the regular meeting of the village board when it was unanimously voted to abolish the office of chief of police and to place all of the officers on an equal footing at a salary of $80 a month, the police to take instructions from Village President Vosburg or the police committee of the board. Weir had previously been paid $85 a month.
Malone Farmer, July 21, 1920
Sheriff Edwards, Under-Sheriff Stanley, District Attorney Lawrence and Customs Officers Harmon and Sharpe, together with the Saranac Lake, police, joined in a raid Saturday night of the Lakewood Inn, conducted as a cabaret in the outskirts of Saranac Lake by William Hennessey, and the Grand Union Hotel, corner of Bloomingdale Ave. and Depot Street in that village in that village and conducted by D. J. Harmon. The cabaret was in full swing at Lakewood Inn and a large crowd was dancing and seated tables when the officers appeared. Twenty-three bottles of Canadian whiskey and gin were seized and many empty bottles were found. It is claimed that two pitchers of liquor were poured on the ground by one of the Hennessey boys close to Dist. Atty. Lawrence, wbo had stepped outside. The patrons of the place were not, molested, but by the time the officers had completed their search, all had disappeared. From Lakewood Inn the officers went to the Grand Union and found floors wet and men placing: a room in order, but no Canadian liquor. A barrel of bottled beer of American brew was found on the premises. A newly made bed had just been placed in the room which was upstairs but there had not been time to gather up the caps of bottles from the floor. It is believed that the place was tipped oft following the other raid. Many cases and empty bottles of Canadian liquors were found. Labels on bottles showed that they had been put up only last March and this evidence will be used against the proprietor. Chief Jones, of the Saranac Lake Police was the promoter of the raid. He says he has no sympathy with the illicit traffic and proposes to do all in his power to rid the community of it. Hennessy and Harmon will probably be prosecuted for violation of the Volstead act.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, October 1, 1920
A motorcycle policeman and one patrolman will be dropped from the Saranac Lake police force for the winter. The appropriation for the force makes this plan necessary.
Lake Placid News, October 28, 1927
M. B. Marshall of New York and Lake Placid, one of the owners of the Hotel Saranac, Saranac Lake, had his automobile stolen last Thursday evening from the curb in front of that hotel.
Mr. Marshall's chauffeur parked the machine in front of the hotel and went inside for a few moments. When he returned the car was gone.
Saranac Lake police and state troopers have been working on the case. This is another auto theft to be added to the list which has increased alarmingly during the late summer and early fall in the Saranac Lake section. It is thought, that as in other cases, the thieves headed for the Canadian border.
Plattsburgh Sentinel, July 13, 1928
Trustee Asks for Resignation of Three Members
Trustee Foster Claims Large Quantity of Liquor Was Taken From Car
Saranac Lake's police force may be reorganized again. At a meeting of the village board held Tuesday evening, Trustee Dan S. Foster directed sensational charges at Police Chief James T. Jennings and Patrolman Lee Fuller, arising from the seizure of an automobile load ed with liquor on the night of June 22, at the rear of the McKee block in Main street. Mr. Foster declared yesterday he will ask the dismissal of both officers, as well as Motorcycle Herbert Moody, who with Fuller, confiscated the machine.
Foster stated that for weeks he has carried on a private inquiry to get at the bottom of the matter and incidentally at the meeting for the first time newspapermen and trustees learned through the questioning that such a seizure had been made.
Mr. Foster a few days ago went to Malone and was informed by prohibition authorities that four pints of liquor had been turned over to them with the car. It was stated that there was four or five cases in the car when seized and Mr. Foster is determined to find out what became of the missing liquor.
Lake Placid News, June 26, 1931
Motorists Found Guilty and Fined $10 Each — Saranac Lake Police Making Drive Against Speeders
Saranac Lake police are after speeders on Lake Flower avenue, that village. Many Lake Placid residents have sorrowful memories of a former drive by the neighboring police to stop speeding along the lengthy stretch of highway from the village limit sign, near Turtle Pond Lodge, into the village proper.
Four were charged with driving more than 40 miles an hour there on Saturday. They were brought before Justice George A. Utting in police court, found guilty and fined $10 each.
Motorcycle Patrolman Edmund Duprey made all four arrests. The first came when he trailed Hubert C. Pratt, Lake Placid, and charged him in police court with reckless driving. Less than half an hour later Glenn K. Magee, address not given, pleaded guilty to the same charge and was assessed $10. Arthur W. Bates, New York city, was next penalized $10 for hitting it up too fast along Lake Flower. The last of the convictions and fines involved Dermott Mace, Saranac Lake, under similar circumstances.
Plattsburgh Daily Press, April 4, 1933
Dismissed Saranac Lake Police Chief At Trustees Meeting
James T. Jennings, who was dismissed from his position as police chief January 31, applied for reinstatement at a conference of the village board with trustees-elect in the office of Mayor Seaver A. Miller Saturday.
The former chief stated that he had never intentionally violated the regulations of the police department nor abused the position. He told the board members and those who will take office Monday that he had always filled the office to the best of his ability and cited what improvements had been made in the department during the five years that he had been chief.
Mr. Jennings also pointed out that he had been a taxpayer of the village for many years, and asked further consideration of his application
No action was taken on the application as only the present members of the board could act.
Plattsburgh Daily Republican, August 6, 1934
Man Wanted In Michigan for -Prison Escape
Cops Lock Man Up and Fingerprints Disclose He Is Prisoner
A man who is serving sentence under the name of Harvey Gauthier at the Franklin County jail on a charge of public intoxication admitted to jail officials Saturday that he was Harvey Hamel, wanted for escape from the Michigan State Prison in Jackson, Michigan.
Without hesitation Gauthier told officials of his escape from the prison where he had served nearly five years of a five to 15 year sentence.
The sheriff’s office had been advised by Saranac Lake police that Gauthier was an escaped convict. Chief of Police Tierney of Saranac Lake, after his suspicions had been aroused by the variety of names given by Gauthier when the prisoner was arrested in that village, communicated with the bureau of Identification at Washington and a comparison of finger-prints revealed that Gauthier was the man wanted for prison escape in Michigan.
“I knew it was coming sometime,” said Gauthier. He escaped from the prison on June 17 while a trusty.
“I’d been driving a truck as a trusty,” he explained. ”They w«re getting two new trucks and I was supposed to get one of them. When they gave both to other men I guess I got a little peeved. I was repairing a guard’s car when I made the break. [The remainder of the story is difficult to make out, but it appears he had a sister curing in Saranac Lake.]
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, January 31, 1935
Police Headquarters Improved
Part of the proceeds of the annual ; ball of the Saranac Lake police department have been used to improve police headquarters.
Plattsburgh Daily Press, January 16, 1935
Lloyd Vosburgh, 22, of Saranac Lake; alias James McGuire, was sentenced on December 17 to life imprisonment in the state penitentiary, Jefferson City, Mo., on a charge of first degree murder, it was revealed in a report received by John Tierney, Saranac Lake chief of police, from the U.S. department of justice. Giving the name of James McGuire he was charged with killing a deputy sheriff.
Vosburgh was wanted by Saranac Lake police on a charge of attempted burglary at the Moose home in April, 1932. While at the Saranac Lake police station awaiting transfer to Franklin county jail, Malone, after having been arrested on the above charge, made an escape thru a window: As far as could be learned he was never seen in Saranac Lake after that time.
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, March 14, 1935,
Barber Charged With Violating ABC
Law Summer will be nearly over when Rufus H. Myers, about 50, of Bloomingdale, who operated a barber shop at Saranac Lake, leaves Franklin county jail, Malone. He was sentenced to five months when arraigned Friday afternoon before Andrew H. Weller, police justice, for violation of the state ABC law. Myers was arrested by Chief John Tierney and Officers Edmund and Walter Duprey of the Saranac Lake police department, after a “buy” had been made. According to information, a marked bill, used in the “buy” was found in the cash register in the barber shop, while the “buyer” whose name could not be learned, had a bottle of alcohol in his possession when he left the shop. Searching the premises, police said they found nearly two gallons of alcohol, in addition to many empty bottles and cans. Myers was taken into custody last summer on a similar charge of selling alcohol without a license, but was given a suspended sentence on condition he stop selling police stated.
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, March 24, 1938
Patrolman Everett Garwood of Resort Department Sets June 29 and 30 as Dates
June 29 and 30 have been set by Patrolman Everett Garwood of the Saranac Lake police force, president of the New York State Police conference, as the dates for the annual convention to be held at the resort village. He was named president of the state conference at the 1937 convention.
More than 1,000 policemen and officials of departments are expected to attend the conference. They will hear leading authorities on crime and many officials of large city departments.
The Saranac Lake Police Protective association, which is host to the convention will meet shortly to draw up a program of entertainment. The convention program is supplied by the state organization but the entertainment of the delegates is left to the local group.
The Saranac Lake department has been raising funds in preparation for the convention for the past two years. Social functions have been held several times a year and the proceeds were turned over to the convention fund. Members of the department who will act on special committees are Chief James Coughlin, Sgt. Edmund Duprey, Patrolman Everett Garwood, who will officially open the convention; Patrolman Bernard Brown, Patrolmen Arthur Ryan and Norbet Higgins.
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, October 20, 1938
Costly Garments Taken From Edelberg Store Saturday Night —Searching for Suspects
Two men and two women looted Edelberg's fur shop, 13 Broadway, Saranac Lake, of $5,000 in fur coats and capes late last Saturday night, practically under the noses of police and numerous patrons leaving the moving picture theatre next to the fur shop. The thieves made good their escape in a large green car equipped with white rimmed balloon tires and bearing a 9N license plate. State police estimated that all roads leaving the village were closed with- in 10 minutes of sounding the alarm. For that reason they believe the crooks are hiding in the village with the loot.
Mrs. E. S. Brown of 8 Broadway observed a part of the burglary and notified the state police. Benjamin Ankina, an usher in the theatre also saw the thieves making their get-away and he too turned in the alarm. Other persons had seen some part of it so that the state and Saranac Lake police were swamped with calls.
The burglary had been planned carefully for at least three days. The two women went to the Edleberg store Thursday and tried on many coats. Shortly before 10 p. m. Saturday they returned again with two men. Each of the four was dressed and bore indications of wealth. Police believed that while the two girls held Edelberg in conversation on a sale the two men loosened the lock on the door.
Shortly before midnight the quartet returned. One opened the door while the other stood lookout on the opposite side of the street. When the door was opened the man took his place at the wheel of the car. The two women made three or four trips into the store and brought out the coats and capes. Mrs. Brown observed the furs being placed in the car but she thought for a time that it was Edelberg's machine. She finally summoned her husband who recognized the strange car. He called the police, but the theft had been completed and the quartet drove north turning at the St. Regis hotel corner and proceeding east in Bloomingdale avenue from where their route was lost. They passed Patrolman Matthew M. Jones who was on duty in Bloomingdale avenue. Patrolman Arthur Ryan was on duty in Maine street. [sic]
During all of Sunday state troopers guarded every highway leading out of Saranac Lake and searched every car that approached them from the direction of the resort village. The troopers were courteous, yet firm with all operators whose cars they sought to search.
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, December 23, 1943
Former Saranac Cop Is Bougainville Hero
Five U. S. Marines led by Sgt. Bernard Brown, former Saranac Lake policeman, wiped out a band of 74 Japanese in a battle in the jungles of Bougainville recently. The five marines met a patrol of Japs on November 24th at a river, and there followed 40 minutes of intense fighting. The Leathernecks used more than 2,000 rounds of machine gun ammunition and numerous hand grenades. When the smoke of battle cleared, there were 74 dead Japs. Sgt. Brown was one of the first marines to land on Guadalcanal and he served thru the entire campaign. He served on the Saranac Lake police force from 1935 until after Pearl Harbor when he left to enlist in the marines. His wife is a member of the WAC.
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, July 7, 1945
In a reorganization of the Saranac Lake police department, William Wallace has been appointed acting chief of police to succeed Edmund Duprey, who will be retained on the force as sergeant. The announcement was made Tuesday morning.
Lake Placid News, March 14, 1947
Held in Franklin Co. Jail; Disband One Car Here and Leave With Bruce's
Close-knit cooperation between the Lake Placid and Saranac Lake police forces along with operatives of the BCI of the Ray Brook state police sub-station, has brought to an end another crime wave which began in Saranac Lake on February 14 and ended in this village last Friday.
Held in Franklin county jail awaiting grand jury trial are two Saranac Lake youths—-Francis J. Fisk, 22, and Ronald Sawyer, 19— charged with burglary third degree and grand larceny first degree.
After a series of crimes, which had Saranac Lake police baffled, the two youths branched out by going to Tupper Lake, where they entered a bowling alley and made their getaway in a stolen car. Arriving in Lake Placid Thursday the two believed by police to be AWOL from the Army, made the rounds of various bars and at about 1:30 a.m. Friday morning broke into the service station on South Main Street operated by Bernard Bruce, leaving their car on River street. Upon leaving Bruce's station the youths were unable to start their car so returned and “borrowed” the 1946 Plymouth owned by Bruce.
They were arrested in Saranac Lake on Saturday by Police Chief William Wallace, patrolman John Moody and Sgt. M. E. LaFave and Trooper J. C. Smith of the BCI. The arrests were made possible through descriptions furnished by John Shene Lake Placid Chief of Police.
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, November 16, 1945
Wallace to Go To FBI School
Saranac Lake Police Official Will Attend Session of National Academy
George J. Barson, mayor of Saranac Lake has designated Acting Chief of Police William J. Wallace of the Saranac Lake Police Department to attend the next session o the FBI National Academy at Washington, D.C., according, to an announcement made by A. Cornelius Jr., special agent in charge of the Albany office of the FBI. Mayor Barson was notified of the acceptance of the application for a representative of the Saranac Lake Police Department to attend the Academy by letter from J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI.
The session is to start on January 7, 1946, and the full course of twelve weeks' instruction will terminate with graduation exercises on March 29, 1946. There will be 80 selected representatives of law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, its territories and foreign countries, in attendance at the session. Thus far there have been 1,221 representatives of law enforcement agencies graduated from the academy, which was first established by Director J. Edgar Hoover in 1935…
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, February 21, 1946
SARANAC LAKE—Police Chief William Wallace, won high honors in marksmanship at the F. B. I. academy in Washington, D.C. He made nine perfect shots and obtained the highest average among the 98 chiefs competing. Students at the academy are from the United States, Philippines and Canada.
Ticonderoga Sentinel, April 25, 1946
County Police To Attend School At Saranac Lake
SARANAC LAKE — Police officers from communities in this area, including Ticonderoga, Port Henry and Lake Placid, will attend a police school to be held at Saranac Lake during the next eight weeks. The school, already in progress, is being directed by Police Chief William Wallace of Saranac Lake who recently completed an extensive period of study at the FBI Washington, D. C.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, April 13, 1948
Escaped Prisoner Captured in Bar By Local Police
Leward Joseph Robideau, 23, of this village, one of two men who escaped July 23rd from the Wallkill State prison near Highland was re-captured last night at 10:45 p. m. in a local bar by two members of the Saranac Lake Police force.
Robideau has been the object of an eight-state search since his escape from the prison and all law agencies have been on the alert. His companion in the break, William LeDeaux, alias William LeClaire, 27, of Jersey City, N. J., was recaptured one day after the escape.
According to the police Robideau was hitch-hiking from Tupper Lake to Saranac Lake when he was given a ride by a man who became suspicious and believed he recognized him as the wanted man.
After leaving Robideau on the Main street near the establishment in which he was found, the driver reported to the police the incident and his suspicions. Sgt. John Moody and Patrolman Henry Stern, on duty at the time, went immediately to the bar to check on the report.
On entering the establishment they found Robideau in a booth at the rear of the room and took him in to custody. The suspect put up a struggle to escape both in the bar and as the police officers took him into the jail.
Having ascertained his identity, Robideau was placed in a cell of the local jail and will be held pending arrival of Department of Correction officers from the Wallkill prison. He will be returned there where further consideration of his case will be made.
Robideau, whose home was listed as 56 Neil street, was serving a five- to 10–year sentence for grand larceny. He was convicted by a Franklin county grand jury on a charge of having stolen a taxi belonging to Charles Smith of the 400 Taxi service in Feb., 1946. At that time he was on probation following a conviction for a previous offense.
His previous offense occurred Sept. 14, 1945 when he was arrested by police who charged him with the theft of a car belonging to Harold Eby, local photographer. He was released on probation after appearing before the county grand jury.
Robideau escaped from the Wallkill prison while on an after midnight milking detail when he and 11 other men had been sent to the dairy, a quarter-mile from the prison, on prison farm property.
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, July 20, 1950
Stock Player Held On Assault Count
Virginian Arraigned After Shooting of James Lamy Of Saranac Lake
SARANAC LAKE, (AP)—A member of a traveling stock company was held in Franklin County jail last night as a result of a shooting after the group's performance last night.
Earl Guy Selfe, 25, of Abingdon, Va., a member of the Barter Theater, was arraigned yesterday before Irving Edelberg, Saranac Lake police justice, on a charge of first-degree assault. Police said he shot James Lamy, 22, of Saranac Lake, through the top of the head.
Lamy was not hurt seriously. He was released, from Saranac Lake hospital, yesterday after treatment for loss of blood.
At the arraignment, examination of Selfe was postponed until Friday. Selfe was transferred to .the county jail at Malone. Police said one report claimed that Lamy was being egged on in his cheering at the square dance by the operator of a record player. The operator was not identified.
The operator told Lamy to keep quiet. Lamy then turned to a man in back of him and asked if he were making trouble.
Police said a fight started at that point. In the melee, Lamy was shot.
The show left Saranac Lake yesterday…
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, January 4, 1950
Saranac Lake Police Chief Plays Good Samaritan and Winds Up As A Hitch-hiker
SARANAC LAKE (AP)—Police Chief William Wallace lived up to a promise of special service to tipsy New Year’s eve motorists, and became stranded eight miles from his home.
Mayor Alton B. Anderson had asked any whoosy motorists to call the police. As a safety measure, they could ride home in taxicabs at the expense of the village, while their autos were driven home by the cops. The chief delivered a car, then had to hitch-hike the eight miles home.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 22, 1952
January Thrills, Spills Mark Legion's Sled Derby
With a whoop and a holler and plenty of rousing cheers from a big crowd of spectators, more than 100 boys and girls competed in this morning's fifth annual Sled Derby sponsored by the American Legion.
Mt. Pisgah's Cresta run presented a very spectacular picture with multi-colored sweaters, ski suits and knitted gloves and caps accented against the white background.
Chills, spills and thrills, they were all there, but no casualties to mar this popular occasion witnessed by approximately 250 people. Unless you want to count the young man who fell off his sled 14 times on the way down. . . as a result, John Fanning, competing in the boys 7 to 10-year class, was awarded a beautiful sled, one of the two “mystery” prizes given by the Saranac Lake police force.
Winners were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals…
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, March 22, 1952
Drive Starts Here To End Vandalism
The Saranac Lake Police Force today began a concerted drive to stop a wave of vandalism in and around vacant houses. Chief of Police Wallace is asking parents to cooperate with his force by explaining to their children that such nuisances must stop immediately.
He warned that children engaged in destroying either the inside or out-side of vacant places will be brought into Juvenile Court and punished.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 27, 1952
...The Board decided that Richard Jewtraw be retained by the police department as parking meter maintenance man with the return to the force next Sunday of Patrolman Edward J. Betters. Betters has been serving with the U.S. Navy, and Jewtraw was a substitute on the force during his absence. Retention of Jewtraw means dismissal of Arthur Dukett, present meter man.
Jewtraw; expecting dismissal with the return of Betters, had obtained a position at Santa Claus Village but last night told the Board that he would prefer to stay on the Saranac Lake police force. It was agreed that he is to take civil service examination for patrolman in the Fall. Dukett is over the age limit for the examination.
See also: Police Chief William J. Wallace, Richard Jewtraw, Don Fina, Gil Myron, Gerald Oxford, William P. Paye, Henry Finnegan, Oliver Queior, Jr., Frank E. Sheldon, John C. Moody, Edmund Duprey