The Saranac Lake Rehabilitation Guild was a later reincarnation of the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild. Angelina H. Damiano worked as an occupational therapist at the Rehabilitation Guild, and also at Ray Brook State Hospital.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, September 28, 1953


The Saranac Lake Rehabilitation Guild opens its Fall term today. It has become one of the most important activities in Saranac Lake, or in the Adirondacks, for that matter.

The Guild is in many ways like a university, with a corps of competent instructors teaching more than 60 subjects. Its primary objective is to1 help restore to productive life, people who have been disabled by disease or accident.

The technical training, the therapy, counseling and other services, make it possible for many Guild students to get jobs which they might otherwise have difficulty in obtaining.

Fortunately for Our Town, not only are disabled people able to take courses, but anyone can take them. As a result, more and more townspeople are enrolling in business, arts and crafts, or other courses.

The Guild is the outgrowth of a campfire discussion in 1935 between William F. Stearns, present executive director, the late Morris Croll, professor emeritus from Princeton, and Mrs. Jeanne Duplaix. It opened for business in January 1936 in a beaver-board partitioned office in the Red Cross room at Town Hall.

Today it employs more than forty people, has a net worth of more than $40,000, exclusive of the Prescott House, which is valued at $1 on the books but has an appraised replacement value of $180,000, and is becoming nationally famous for the results achieved by its educational and therapeutic programs.

In fact a number of large insurance companies and corporations are sending people to the Guild for rehabilitation.

We all can be justly proud of the Guild, and we wish it continued success and growth.


Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 26, 1957

But Ed Worthington Resigns:

Guild Continuation Seen in 1958 Program

The announcement that the X-ray Training School of the Saranac Lake Rehabilitation Guild anticipates the admission of 32 new students in 1958 carries assurance of the continuation of the Guild, despite rumors to the contrary.

Plans were approved by the Guild executive committee recently for the admission of classes in general X-ray technology in January, April, July and September. These will be twelve-month courses including three months of instruction at Prescott House here and nine months of practical laboratory experience in affiliated hospitals in New York and Pennsylvania.

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The executive committee also accepted with regret the resignation of Edward H. Worthington, Jr., as Guild technical advisor, effective January 1, and voiced tribute to his leadership in preparing handicapped men and women for skilled and well-paid employment. Mr. Worthington has been a member of the Guild staff since 1939 and was named technical supervisor in 1948. Supervision of the x-ray courses has been assigned to Edgar Perkins, R.T., who joined the Guild faculty in 1956 as instructor in x-ray technique and clinical laboratory practice. Leonard J. Bristol, M.D. is radiologist-in-charge.

The 2Oth class of General X-ray Technician trainees and the 78th class of photoflourographic operator trainees will be enrolled on January 8, 1958 Seven students are scheduled to begin training on that date.

The Photofluorographic Operators Class consists of two trainees from the New York State Department of Health, Division of Tuberculosis Control. They are Allen Sacks of Albany and Francis Weaver of Chatham.

The General X-ray Technicians Class is expected to consist of five students. They will spend 13 weeks in Saranac Lake studying basic courses in preparation for experience training of 35 weeks in the x-ray departments of cooperating hospitals. Students presently scheduled to begin training in the one year general x-ray technician course are George Husinger of Harvey's Lake. Pa; John M. Lutchkoff of Buffalo; Alfonso Losciuto of Brooklyn: Edward Gibbs of Syracuse; and Earl Bobar of Cohoes.

Registration for both courses is still open and new applications will be considered if received before January 3, 1958. Classes are open to either well or disabled persons.
