Address: Turtle Pond Road
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In 1956 the Serralles Cottage was purchased from the P. J. Serralles family--owners of Don-Q Rum of Puerto Rico. The family is mentioned indirectly in William Chapman White's Adirondack Country on page 175:
The most flamboyant story [about TB patients in Saranac Lake] is that of a Latin-American millionaire whose daughter was curing in town and wanted to see her brother's wedding, scheduled for a Caribbean island. Her father promptly chartered two airplanes, placed bride and groom, guests, wedding cake, and champagne aboard, and flew everything to the Adirondacks. Enough champagne was poured at an open house to float an Adirondack guide boat.
The house was built by Molineaux in 1915, and ran it as an upscale poultry farm in the summer. They sold to the Lake Placid club. Then George Carmen bought it along with all the land around it, including the chicken house, a barn, an ice house and meat house. The land went all the way back to the Adirondack Park line, and then almost to the Saranac River. He died, and Cy Silverman lived there for a while, as did Sonja Henie.
There was a speakeasy, the third little cottage right off of Lake Flower, down the hill from the side of the road. It had been the Turtle Pond Skating Club. Lin Lockwood was a rum runner who ran the speakeasy. He was the commodore of the Saranac Lake Yacht Club.