St. Regis Bakery was at 72 Broadway for several years before 1923.
Tupper Lake Herald and Adirondack Mountain Press, August 22, 1924
George Burrell very recently passed away at his home in Saranac Lake, where he had been in ill health for about a year. His age was in the fifties and for a number of years, up to a year ago, conducted a business called the St. Regis bakery, opposite the St. Regis hotel in Saranac Lake. In former years, Mr. Burrell was a postmaster of Tupper Lake, under a Democratic administration, and his father also lived here until about two years ago, when he passed away. Mr. Burrell was a man of sterling traits and known to the publisher of this Journal to be a man of kindly and sympathis [sic] nature, but strong for the fair and equal treatment of children in families, and bringing to justice those who trespassed upon the sacred right of parents in their children. Mr. Burrell is survived by a married daughter and a wife, who mourn his passing on, together, with many relatives and old time friends in Tupper Lake and at Saranac Lake.
Funeral services, held from, St. Bernard’s church, Saranac Lake, were largely attended by relatives and friends from out of town, besides the members of the family and large circle of friends residing in Saranac Lake…