Born: January 17, 1851  Note: The birth, death and spouse information here is somewhat speculative, as there are several Stephen A. Roakes, but this one fits the known dates better than the others.

Died: October 15,  1906

Married:Ida Boyce Roake


Stephen Allen Roake was superintendent of the sawmill at Onchiota when it burned in 1899.  He served as post master at Onchiota from January 8, 1897 to June 12, 1899.  He later moved to Georgia and by 1904 was in Shrub Oak, New York.

Documents of the Senate of the State of New York, Volume 9, 1894, p. 188

On Lot 309, at Oregon Pond, the company have a saw mill which is partly stocked from the merchantable timber on their lands; but as the supply from this source is now nearly exhausted their stock of logs will soon have to be obtained elsewhere. On Lot 253 there is a small village of eighteen families, or about 100 people, who are employed at the mill or around the hotel. This village is called Roakedale, having been named after Mr. S. A. Roake, the superintendent. In addition to its dwelling houses the village has a school-house, store, and blacksmith shop.

Malone Farmer, June 20, 1900

S. A. Roake, formerly in charge of the lumber business at Onchiota and John Black, formerly road master on the Mohawk & Malone R. R., are at Pembroke, Ga,, engaged in large lumbering operations. The firm is called the Pembroke Lumber Co. and southern pine is what they deal in.

Malone Farmer, January 8, 1902

S. A. Roake, of the Pembroke Lumber Co., of Pembroke. Ga., was in town last week on business. He came north to spend the holidays with his family who reside at Peekskill, N. Y. Mr. Roake for some years was engaged in extensive lumbering operations at Onchiota and still owns considerable property in that section.