Born: May 5, 1892 in Japan

Died: c. May 8, 1935

Married: Alice Garfield

Children: Frederick Worden, Donald Worden

Dr. W. S. Worden was a psychiatrist afflicted with tuberculosis who came to Saranac Lake in 1926 to cure; he developed a private psychiatric hospital at 34 Algonquin Avenue. He also served as the Saranac Lake High School physician— Marie Leis Pearce remembers him as the doctor who first told her that her blood pressure was elevated. Her brother, Lee, once drove the Worden family to Chicago for the Chicago Worlds Fair, held in 1933/34.

After his death, his wife turned the hospital into the Algonquin School.

Post Standard, May 8, 1935

Heart Disease Fatal For Dr. V. S. Worden

Saranac Psychiatrist Succumbs at Home—Rites Thursday Morning

SARANAC LAKE.—Dr. V. S. Worden, prominent psychiatrist, died here suddenly Tuesday morning in his home, 34 Algonquin avenue. Heart disease was said to have caused death.

He was born May 5, 1892 in Japan, where his father, Dr. W. S. Worden, was in the United States public health service. After attending private schools in Japan, he was graduated at 16 from St. Joseph's college, Yokohama.

After coming to this country he matriculated at Syracuse university, and was graduated in 1915. He was graduated with honors from Syracuse College of Medicine in 1919. Following his internship in Good Shepherd hospital, Syracuse, he became affiliated with St. Lawrence hospital, Odensburg.

He came to this village in 1926 and for several years maintained a private sanatorium in Algonquin avenue. He was consultant in psychiatry in the Veterans Administration hospital, Sunmount.

He was a fellow of the American Psychiatric association and held memberships in the American Medical association and Saranac Lake Medical society. He was a member of Zeta Psi fraternity at Syracuse, Nu Sigma Nu medical fraternity and the Symphonic National Medical fraternity. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of Media Temple of Mystic Shriners.

Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Alice Garfield of Jamestown, and two sons, Frederick and Donald Worden.

Services will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday morning in the home, 34 Algonquin avenue, with Rev. Hiram W. Lyon, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial will be in Ogdensburg.
