The Guild News was a newsletter published by the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild from its earliest days, beginning with a few mimeographed pages.
For a time there was a column named "Cottage Calls" for which a reporter would visit a particular cure cottage and interview patients there. A partial summary list of the cottages visited follows:
1941--August: Erkander Cottage; October: Lynch Cottage; November: Kerbs II (at Trudeau Sanatorium)
1942--January: Bush Cottage, 46 Franklin; February: Fallon's, 33 Franklin; March: Anthony Shults cottage, 5 Shepard; April: Adirondack Sanatorium, 72 Park; My: Frazer Cottage, 51 Franklin; June: Spear Cottage, 90 Riverside Drive; July: Agnew Cottage, 11 Park Place; August: more from the Agnew Cottage; September: Sageman Cottage; November: Northwoods Sanatorium, Church Street; December: Sporck and Shannon Cottage.
1943--January, February and March: all Will Rogers; April: Schreiner Cottage, 29 Church Street; June: Bisbee Cottage, 45 Riverside Drive; July: home of Clarence and Lomie Lee Johnson; September: McCabe Cottage, 35 Franklin; November: Anthony Shults, Jr., cottage, 5 Shepard.
By February 1945 "Cottage Calls" had been replaced by "Portraits" of individuals. In February, at the McBean Cottage, 89 Park, Bonnie Clare Richardson was profiled. In April Captain George I. Rhoades at the Knabe Cottage was the subject. In September (and apparently for at least two months previous) the whole text of an address by W. Somerset Maugham was published.