Born: 1802
Died: June 18, 1872
Married: Rachel Brokett (died February 1, 1889)
Children: Frances Tomlinson
Thomas Ash Tomlinson was a Keeseville businessman and lawyer, admitted to the Essex County Bar around 1822. He was a partner in Keese and Tomlinson, and was involved in the development of Keese Mills.
Malone Palladium, September 14, 1865
Thomas A. Tomlinson, against Oliver Keese, Peter Keese, Patrick Goggin, Leonard Jacobs, John Firzgerald, Mary Mansfield, Elihu Hoag, Allen Irish, Lathrop Pope[?], Chester Doughty, James Ricketson, George Griswold, Paschal P. Spear, Oliver Keese, Jr., Jacob D. Kingsland, Abraham W. Kingsland, William W. Kingsland, Abraham Bussing, as survivors of John S. Bussing,deceased, Benjamin H. Jaques, Harvey Jenkins, Ambrose King, Henry Otis and William Otis.
In pursuance of the judgment of the Supreme Court made and entered in the above entitled action, on the first day of September, 1864, I, the subscriber, Referee for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the Hotel at Franklin Falls, in the town of Franklin, and County of Franklin aforesaid, on the 29th day of October, 1864, at two o'clock in the afternoon on that day, the following described premises: "All that certain piece of parcel of land lying and being in McComb's purchase, great tract No. one, Franklin County, State of New York, being the south-west quarter of township No. eighteen, called Brighton, reserving out of said tract of land, lots number seventy-four and seventy-five, supposed to leave eight thousand acres of land from that reserve thirty-five acres in lots 64 and 65, sold to H. B. Loomis, and about thirty acres in 64, sold to A. A. Smith, and about twenty-three acres in lots 78, 63, 64, sold to H. B. Loomis, and thirty acres in lot 78, sold to Sarah E. Manning, and one hundred and ten acres in lot No. 61, sold to T. W. I. Curtis, and fifty acres in lot No. 61, sold to John Redwood.
Also that certain other piece of land in the said McComb's purchase, great tract No. one, being the middle third of township number seventeen, called Gilchrist, divided from east to west, and containing eight thousand six hundred and ten acres of land.
Also the undivided half part of lots seventy-four and seventy-five and about ninety acres in the south-west corner of lot seventy-six in said township eighteen, (Brighton)
Dated Sept. 15, 1864 GEORGE TRIMBLE, Referee.
Ames & Hewitt, Pl'ffs Attys.