Easy Street School, the last one room schoolhouse built in New York State. It was designed by Arthur Wareham The Town of Brighton covers 8340 square miles in Franklin County, New York, at an altitude averaging 1640 feet. Brighton lies in three different major watersheds: the Saranac/Chazy-Lake Champlain watershed, the St. Regis-St. Lawrence watershed, and the Salmon/Trout-St. Lawrence watershed. Brighton is 26% wetlands and nearly the entire town is underlain by a high-quality aquifer. Many of the wetland areas are home to rare and threatened species such as spruce grouse, moose and three-toed woodpecker.
The Town of BrightonApproximately 47% of the land in Brighton is state-owned. Paul Smith's College ownership accounts for an additional 20% of town acreage. Within the Town are the small settlements of Gabriels, Keese Mills, Onchiota, Paul Smiths, Rainbow Lake and McColloms.
Leon Redwood served as superintendent of highways in the 1960s.
- Brighton Town Hall
- Brighton Notables
- Brighton Area Guides
- Brighton History Days
- Brighton Curing Timeline
- Curing in Brighton
- How Brighton Got Its Name
- Paul Smith's Hotel
- Paul Smith's Electric Railroad
- Sunnyside Hotel
- St. Gabriel
- First Methodist Episcopal Church of Brighton
- St. Regis Presbyterian
- St. John's in the Wilderness
- Benjamin A. Muncil
- Famous Visitors
Brighton History Days MapHistory of Clinton and Franklin counties, New York, (1880) p. 398, gives the population of the Town of Brighton as follows:
1860 | 208 |
1865 | 150 |
1870 | 204 |
1875 | 247 |
The Palladium Malone, Thursday, Dec 19, 1867
Abstracts of Accounts audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Brighton, at their annual session, Nov. 7, 1867:
Names and Nature of Demand | Claim | Allow'd | ||
1 | J M Wardner, | supervisor | $29.81 | $29.81 |
2 | F T B Weller, | town clerk | $12.00 | $12.00 |
3 | A C McCollum, | com. of highways | $15.00 | $15.00 |
4 | Heman G. Wilcox, | assessor and insp'r | $16.50 | $16.50 |
5 | John Redwood, | " | $12.75 | $12.75 |
6 | Luther M. Collins, | " | $7.50 | $7.50 |
7 | Joshua Otis, | inspector | $6.50 | $6.50 |
8 | J Quarter, | " | $11.00 | $11.00 |
9 | S Wardner, | com. highways, 1866 | $8.75 | $8.75 |
10 | D C Skiff, | justice of the peace | $8.00 | $8.00 |
11 | Wm Otis, | constable | $2.55 | $2.55 |
12 | A K Wilcox, | " | $8.35 | $8.35 |