Tuffield Latour (undated) Born: 2 August, 1850 in Alburg, Vermont, son of John Latour
Died: April 15, 1931
Married: Katharine Mary Whitman (died), Anna Hogan Latour (d. June 24, 1924)
Children: (with Katharine) James A. Latour and Tuffield Latour Jr. (died in 1st month Jan 16, 1875); (with Ann) Francis Latour, Albert Latour, Edward Allen Latour
Tuffield Latour was a stagecoach driver, livery man, and an early Saranac Lake village trustee (1895 and 1903). He was mentioned in a news clipping as buying the livery business of Charles Greenough. He served as Grand Marshal of the first Winter Carnival in 1898.
He was the father of Assemblyman James A. Latour and grandfather of Tuffield A. Latour. 1 He was one of the fourteen children of John Latour of Bloomingdale, one of whom was Elisha Latour.
He was the Saranac Lake fire warden at the time of the disastrous 1908 forest fires that burned Mount Baker and Ampersand Mountain and threatened the village itself.
Ampersand Hotel Stagecoach, driven by Tuffield Latour (undated)
From an undated, unidentified newspaper clipping
Pioneer Citizen, Father of Assemblyman, Passes Away at Age of Eighty After Brief Illness; Funeral Saturday
Tuffield Latour, father of Assemblyman James A. Latour and one of the oldest residents of Saranac Lake died last night at his home, 170 Broadway, at the age of 80 years.
Mr. Latour, who is a former member of the board of trustees and former street commissioner of this village, and was quite active in political and civic affairs in his younger years, had been ill for the past ten days. The community was shocked to learn of his passing. He lived in Saranac Lake for 63 year, coming here when this section of the country was mostly wilderness.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St. Bernard's Church, and interment will be in the Pine Ridge cemetery. A. Fortune & Co. are in charge of arrangements for the funeral and burial.
Tuffield Latour was born in Alburg, Vt., in 1851. When a small boy he left there with his parents to live in North Burke. Coming to Saranac Lake 63 years ago at the age of 17 he began working in a lumber camp. In later years, he operated a stage coach line from Saranac Lake to Ausable Forks before the railroad was built in this section. He continued this work for seven or eight years. He also ran a stage line from Bloomingdale station to Paul Smith's when the old Chateaugay railroad, now known as the D. and H. railroad was first opened about 43 years ago. One of his first business ventures was the purchase of Charles Green's [Greenough] livery stable, which he operated until the advent of the automobile sounded the death knell of transportation by horse and wagon. Mr. Latour founded the coal, feed, hay and grain business now conducted under the name of James A. Latour about 39 years ago.
Mr. Latour saw Saranac Lake rise and grow from a small beginning to its present position as a leading health and recreation center. He was active in the Republican party and served as a town committeeman for many years. He was elected village trustee for two terms and also served as commissioner of the street department.
He was married twice. His first wife was Miss Katharine Whitman of Harrietstown, and she died four years after their marriage. His second wife was Miss Ann Hogan, a native of Franklin Falls, and she died five years ago.
The survivors are three sons, assemblyman James A. Latour, Francis and Albert Latour of Saranac Lake; nine grandchildren and [illegible] great-grandchildren.
From an undated, unidentified newspaper clipping
Last rites for Tuffield Latour, father of Assemblyman James A. Latour and a pioneer resident of Saranac Lake, were held this morning at St. Bernard's church when a solemn high requiem Mass was celebrated at 9:15 o'clock.
The Rev. Joseph Blais, chaplain of St. Mary's hospital was celebrant; the Rev. E. A. Gallagher, pastor of St. John's church at Lake Clear, deacon, and the Rev. B. A. O'Connell, assistant pastor of St. Bernard's church, sub-deacon.
The Gregorian Mass for the dead was sung by St. Bernard's choir, with Miss Jane Morgan as organist. At the beginning of the service Mrs. Frank Henchen sang "Face to Face", and Joseph Asselta sang "Resignation", at the close of the service.
Many friends and relatives from this village and vicinity were present at the services to pay last respects to the deceased, who was a resident of this community for 63 years, taking an active part in community affairs for many years.
Following the services at the church the funeral cortege moved to Pine Ridge cemetery where interment took place in the family plot.
Bearers were lifelong friends of the deceased: Dr. Frank E. Kendall, W. C. Leonard, John Ryan, Nelson P. Delisle, George L. Starks and Arthur D. Manning.
From Donaldson, Alfred L. A History of the Adirondacks, New York: The Century Co., 1921, vol. 1, p. 332 (reprinted by Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, NY, 1992)
"Tuf" Latour, as he is familiarly known, is now retired. He began driving for V.C. Bartlett in 1874. Later he formed a stage line partnership with Mr. Platto and finally established a large and successful livery business in Saranac Lake.
The Malone Farmer Wednesday, July 17, 1901
Tuffield Latour, a well-known citizen of Saranac Lake, has sold out his livery, coal and wood business to his son James, Giles Bombard and Gilbert G. Whitman, who will continue it at the old stand, and will also conduct the liveries at Riverside Inn and Hotel Del Monte. Messes Latour and Bombard are both experienced men in the business, having been connected with this livery for years. Mr. Whitman will probably look after the coal and wood business of the concern.
Malone Farmer, July 10, 1907
Says the Adirondack Enterprise:—"One of the finest bred colts in America has just been foaled at Forest Home, Tuffield Latour's stock farm. He is sired by the king of pacers, Joe Patchen, who is acknowledge by horsemen to be the greatest racing harness horse living or dead. His dam was Sunday Girl, a beautiful solid black mare, six years old, who had worked easy miles in 2:20 1/2, she by Directum, 2:05 ½, who was king of the race track for nine years. Her dam was Virginia Lee, by Gambetta Wilkes 2:19 ¼, son of George Wilkes. Virginia Lee was a royal bred mare, who has gone a mile in 2:14 1/4 and whose record was 2:22.''
The Plattsburgh Sentinel, March 4, 1892
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Greenough, with their little son Willie, left on the train Monday for Alabama, whither Mr. Greenough has gone to take charge of a large milling interest. They will be much missed by their old neighbors, but we wish them happiness and prosperity in the far away place in which they seek a new home. Mr. Greenough sold his livery business to Tuff. LaTour, but retains possession of his cottage property.
From the Adirondack Daily Enterprise Weekender, June 13, 1992, p. 2.
The first board meeting was held in Isham's office on June 16th, 1892, with Tuffield Latour being named street commissioner while W.J. Slater, Dr. C.F. Wicker and Dr. J. C. Russell were appointed to the board of health.