Address: 202 Broadway
Old Address: 173 Broadway
Other names: Adirondack Tire Company, Veteran's Memorial Home, Veteran's Club
Year built: 1932
Other information: Originally built as the Pascal Urgo Restaurant; Urgo sold it for the sum of $1.00 to the Veterans Memorial Association on July 13, 1946. Rose and Pascal Urgo had a son Pascal, Jr. who was killed during World War II. The Veteran's Club is the home to six groups which includes the Albert A. Gonyea VFW Post 3357, the American Legion Post 447, the Sons of the American Legion, the VFW Post 3357 Auxiliary, the American Legion Post 447 Auxiliary, and the Veterans Memorial Association. In addition to supporting the veterans of the area, the Vets Club also provides annual scholarships to college bound students at Saranac Lake High School as well as providing support for various youth programs in the area. Members of the Vets Club help organize and participate in the Memorial Day and Veteran's Day services held in Saranac Lake each year.
The American Legion Post 447 of Saranac Lake was granted its charter on September 16, 1919.
The VFW Post 3357 of Saranac Lake was granted its charter on July 21, 1935.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 10, 1948
The sign reads:
First Annual Veterans Deer Hunt
Harry Bedell / Billy Martell -- Hunt Masters
John Martell, Art Bowen, Les Reome, Chris Davis, Jack Martell Jr.,
John Duquette [standing at left in the plaid shirt], Hal Salls, Bernard Salls
Courtesy of the Veterans' Club
350 Crowd Veterans' Home Last Night To Eat Venison Dinner
A crowd estimated at more than 350 persons attended the Venison Dinner given at the Veterans’ Memorial Home, 173 Broadway, last night after a veterans’ hunting party donated three deer for the meal. Serving, under the stewardship of Roger Bouck, was done in the main dining room, the meeting room upstairs, the basement and the barroom. Dinner was schedule to begin at 7 o’clock but because so many had already arrived serving started around 6:30. Veterans and invited guests were served in the three dining rooms until 10 p.m. The dinner was followed by music and singing. Veterans Leis and Page played.
The venison was cooked by Herb Williams. As his assistants, in the kitchen Mr. Williams had John Martell, William Kerr, William Duprey, Patsy Lario, Ben Talbert and Tony Burtschard. Waitresses included Rose Dewey, Helen Brickey and Helen Fenchak.
The dinner was attended by Mayor A. B. Anderson, Harrietstown Supervisor Hubert Miller, Village Trustee Irving Edelberg, Chief of Police William Wallace and Larry Doyle, former captain of the New York Giants.
Also invited to attend from out of town were Franklin county Commander William Henry and his staff from Sunmount; a number of patients from the Veterans' facility; and Herbert C. Brain of Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county commander of the VFW. The evening’s meal was the gift of a 10-man hunting group which, on Sunday the 31st of October, bagged three deer in the Saranac Inn area.
Under the Hunt Mastership of Harry Bedell, the party left the Veterans’ Home at 6 a. m., and returned at 3 p.m. with a 10-point, an 8-point and a 7-point buck. They immediately suggested a free venison dinner for all village veterans.
The group included, besides the hunt master, Arthur Bowen, Lester Reome, John Duquette, John Martell, Sr., John Martell, Jr., William Martell, Harry Salls, Bernard Salls and Chris Davis.
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