Born: 1878
Died: March 10, 1910
Married: Lady Sybil Marjorie Cuffe
Children: Iris Margaret Cutting Origo
William Bayard Cutting, Jr. was a son of W. Bayard Cutting; he had been Secretary to the United States Embassy to the Court of St James, London, England. During the summer of 1905, his family was in camp on Deer Island, Upper Saranac Lake; they may have been renting or they may have owned the camp, perhaps especially for his health. On August 13, 1905, the younger Cutting wrote a letter to Dr. Trudeau from Camp Edgewater. His return address for letters was Saranac Inn, N.Y., and for telegrams, Wawbeek, N.Y. He wrote that "we finally decided to act upon your advice about the winter, and to try S. Moritz. . . . Here it continues provokingly damp, and waiting for the fine weather has been a losing game so far. . . .We mean to stay there till health comes back, if it takes two years or five." His ailment was tuberculosis. In five years he was dead, though not in Switzerland, but in Egypt. His obituary reported that "in October, 1905, he went to Switzerland with his wife and daughter, and it was said at the time that his physician had ordered him to live in the Swiss mountains on account of his failing health." His uncle, R. Fulton Cutting, publicly denied that claim.
Fort Covington Sun, March 17, 1910
Former Secretary of U.S. Legation in London Succumbs in Egypt.
Assouan, Egypt.— William Bayard Cutting, Jr., of New York City, who was formerly secretary of the United States Legation at London, and later Vice-Consul at Milan and secretary of Legation at Tangier, died here.
Mr. Cutting was thirty-one years old, and married in 1901 Lady Sybil Cuffe, a daughter of the Earl of Desart. He was a graduate of Harvard and a member of many New York City clubs.