Children: three
W. James Erdmann was the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Saranac Lake from 1958 to 1963.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, June 19, 1963
The congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Saranac Lake at a meeting Sunday voted unanimously, but with regret, to dissolve relations with its pastor, the Rev. W. James Erdmann. The action was taken at the request of Mr. Erdmann to enable him to accept a call by the Synod of Minnesota to serve as camp and conference director on its synod executive staff. He has been pastor of the local church since 1958. The pro re nata meeting of Champlain Presbytery will be held Thursday to approve the action of the congregation. The presbytery meeting was called at the request of George Outcalt, an elder in the local church and three other elders. Dr. Carl Merkel, Malcolm Roberts and Wilfred MacNeil, will be commissioners at the meeting.
Mr. Erdmann has been active in the camp and conference program of the Presbyterian Church throughout his ministry. He has directed the junior high camp of Champlain Presbytery, been involved in New York Synod camp and conference training events, attended a national camp, served as a leader in a Northeast Regional training event for adults and initiated a canoe trip experience for senior high students in the presbytery. He also has been moderator of the presbytery, chairman of its Christian education committee and a member of its ministerial relations committee.
A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Erdmann will be held in the Christian Education Building at the church after the worship service on Sunday. All members of the congregation and friends of the Erdmanns are invited to attend.
Mrs. Erdmann and their three children will leave Saranac Lake next Monday, Mr. Erdmann will be here until July 7.